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Updated: January 1, 2025
It will only be a few weekth and you won't be tho very lonely. Of courthe, you will mith me a great deal." "Don't worry yourself over me," snapped, Buster. "I can climb as well as you. But if I did stay behind, you can make up your mind I wouldn't miss you." "Stop squabbling, girls," laughed Harriet. "Neither one of you could get along without the other."
Grubb?" asked the guardian. "Over a hundred feet," replied the guide, measuring the distance with his eye. "Oh, what a lovely thlide!" bubbled Tommy. "How funny it would be to thee Buthter toboggan down that thlide! Wouldn't that be funny, Mith Elting?" "All of you keep away from here," ordered the guide. "I'll lose my reputation if what we have already experienced gets out.
The sergeants are presented five in number, Sergeant Dornton, Sergeant Witchem, Sergeant Mith, Sergeant Fendall, and Sergeant Straw. We have the whole Detective Force from Scotland Yard, with one exception. Every man of them, in a glance, immediately takes an inventory of the furniture and an accurate sketch of the editorial presence. The whole party are in plain clothes.
I wath too buthy trying to keep from filling up with thalt water. Did you ever drink any of that water, Mith Livingthton?" "Hardly." "Then take the advice of a fithh, and don't." All hands were called to supper, thus putting an end to the conversation, which had been heartily enjoyed by Mrs. Livingston. Tommy always was a source of amusement to her.
"Cuth the old cats! they'll have each other'th eyeth out," here cried my lord marquis, interposing his little tipsy person between them. He had scrambled down the box after me, and was listening with an air of profound wisdom that made me feel fit to die laughing. "Don't you mind her, old lady," he went on, addressing Tanty; "Mith Molly ith quite able to take care of herself damme if she'th not."
Why do you ask?" answered Miss Elting smilingly. "I jutht wanted to know. I'll walk, thank you, Mith Elting. You thay it ith a Democrat wagon?" "Yes, yes. What of it?" "I wouldn't ride in a Democrat wagon. My father would dithown me if I did! If it wath a Republican wagon, now, it would be all right but a Democrat wagon thave me!" "You surely are a loyal little Republican, Tommy.
Yes it is; I hear her lithp; and Miss Nugent was announced. She had walked over, she said, to ask how they all were after the delightful Harvest Home, and to bring an invitation from her mamma to dinner the following Tuesday. 'I do hope you will come, Freda, and you, Mith Hall, and bring that charming Colonel Vaughan with you. He ith tho nithe. Don't you think tho. 'Very, said Freda, drily.
Uncle Ted and Aunt Mattie will be our uncle and aunt to all of us just the same, once we're cousins. 'All right, said Justin and Archie, who were longing to begin another scrimmage of some kind. 'All right, said Pat, not quite so heartily, for he was disappointed of his argument with Aunt Mattie. 'All zight, said Hec and Ger Ger adding, 'but thoo'll be Mith Mouse always.
"What are you doing on the ground?" shrieked Margery, as she stumbled and fell over her little companion. "Why don't you tell me when you are going to sit down, so that I won't fall over you?" "You wouldn't, if you weren't tho fat." "Tommy!" broke in Miss Elting. The whole party had come to a halt, following Margery's mishap. "I beg your pardon, Mith Elting. I forgot. Buthter ithn't dry yet.
"I'm thorry, Mith Elting. I'll try to be good after thith. But I didn't fall into the tree thith afternoon, nor out of it either, did I?" "Her point is well taken," answered Harriet. "Nearly every one of us, except Tommy, distinguished herself this afternoon. How about our supper?" "Oh-h-h-h!" chorused the girls. "We forgot all about it." "Yeth, Mr. Januth. I'll fetch the thtoneth for the thtove.
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