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Mais ces vestiges ne sont pas des dogmes, ce sont des reves. Une fois ce grand rideau de drap d'or, bariole de soie, d'indienne et de calicot, par lequel le catholicisme nous masque la vue du monde, une fois, dis-je ce rideau dechire, on voit l'univers en sa splendeur infinie, la nature en sa haute et pleine majeste.

For example, "The soul," said the former I give the words of an acute and intelligent Parisian "ne demeure qu'un seul fois dans un corps sensible: au reste un cheval, un chien, un homme meme, n'est que la ressemblance peu tangible de ces animaux." The families of Berlifitzing and Metzengerstein had been at variance for centuries.

Then as the guard went along the platform slamming the doors, a boyish face poked its way into the aperture of our compartment. "Hello, Louis," said he, addressing one of the workmen. "Hello, Louis, you here, too?" "Eh bien, cette fois je crois quon y va! Hein?" Our door closed and the trainman whistled. "Bon voyage!" shouted the boy through the window. "The same to you," replied the other.

Thou art my pearl: I fished thee; and must keep thee. So gainsay me not, or thou wilt bring back my fever; but cry courage, and lead on; and hey for Burgundy!" Denys gave a joyful caper. "Courage! va pour la Bourgogne. Oh! soyes tranquille! cette fois il est bien decidement mort, ce coquin-la." And they turned their backs on the Rhine.

True desperate: but scarcely more desperate than the Duc. Besides, was he not in the secret? had he not skimmed over Pere Le Brun? was he not a member of the Club Vingt-un? "Si je perds," said he, "je serai deux fois perdu I shall be doubly dammed voila tout! His Grace was all care, all attention his Majesty all confidence. A spectator would have thought of Francis and Charles.

Big, fat, bloated, blustering Guzzle goes to the Astor House for a week, and, in virtue of his standing and his paunch, gets a room near the dining saloon a large, airy room looking on the Park, with lounge, arm-chairs, pier-glasses, Brussels carpet, and other furniture, all rich and luxurious; at dinner he eats paté de fois gras and woodcock, at supper he has elaborate little dishes which exercise an experienced cook for an hour or two, at breakfast he has salmon at fifty cents a pound, for all of which Guzzle pays two dollars and a half a day.

"No," returned the garcon, who was a philosopher as well as a wit; "no, my digestive organs are very weak, and par consequence, I am naturally melancholy Ah, ma fois tres triste!" and with these words the sentimental plate-changer placed his hand I can scarcely say, whether on his heart, or his stomach, and sighed bitterly! "How long," said I, "does it want to dinner?"

Dupé deux fois, il le fut encore par la suite pour un roi de Tunis qu'on lui avoit représenté comme disposé

I have seen him myself, was his only comment; and to all questionings but one reply was vouchsafed: 'Deux fois je l'ai vu: mille fois je l'ai senti. He would tell them nothing of the provenance of the book, nor any details of his experiences. 'I shall soon sleep, and my rest will be sweet. Why should you trouble me? he said. He died that summer; his daughter married, and settled at St Papoul.

«J'y montai pour la premiere fois en 1760, et je ne crois pas qu'aucun naturaliste l'eût visitée avant moi; j'y retournai l'année suivante; j'y allai encore en 1767, et j'y montai enfin pour la dernière fois en 1781, afin de vérifier mes anciennes observations, et de me mettre en état d'en donner une description plus exacte.