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Why, I love to see a nice boy drink." "But no more for him now, cajela," the Captain protested; "two such will make him fall off his horse. Bebamos, Patty! Esta excelente!" drinking. "How purty the Captain says them things," the madam cried to the gentleman within. "Maybe he's a mockin' his ole sweetheart. Oh, Van Dorn, if I thought you could forget me I would kill you!"

MARQUESA. Qué, si me casé hace cinco meses, y vivo precisamente en el cuarto principal de esta misma casa. DOÑA MATILDE. Cuánto me alegro ... así estaremos todo el día juntas y ... pues me habían dicho que era una marquesa la que.... MARQUESA. Ésa soy yo. DOÑA MATILDE. Entonces no te has casado con aquel cadete de Algarbe....

DON EDUARDO. Y ¿qué es un cuartillo para dos jícaras?... llena la chocolatera, llénala. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Hombre! DON EDUARDO. Llénala, y no empecemos con economías. DOÑA MATILDE. Ya lo está. DON EDUARDO. Divinamente; y volviendo a lo de anoche, ¿creerás, Matilde, que todavía me río al recordar lo asustada que estabas durante la ceremonia?

Tenemos que procurar a la mujer nuevos objetivos en la vida, otras ocupaciones elevadas para que pruebe su aptitud y de esta manera todo eso que se señala como defectuoso y deforme en su carácter y educación se eliminará en un ambiente de libertad y publicidad, donde sin miedo ni piedad se puedan sacar a colación los defectos y expurgar al individuo de sus vicios.

A voice, louder than the rest, was heard exclaiming: "Carajo! guardaos! esta el rifle del diablo!" It was doubtless the comrade of Jose, who had been in the skirmish of La Virgen, and had felt the bullet of the zundnadel. The guerilleros, awed by the death of their leader for it was Yanez who had fallen crouched behind the rocks.

The greeting was never a hearty, individual phrase of the speaker's own choosing, but always the invariable "Adios, Buenos dias, tardes or noche," even though I had already addressed some inquiry to them. Replies to questions of distance were as stereotyped, with the diminutive ito beloved of the Central Americans tacked on wherever possible: "Larguita 'sta! A la vueltita no mas! Esta cerquita!

"Martella, I am now ready to join you in capturing the tugboat." "Esta buena! Esta buena!" whispered the delighted fellow; "it makes no difference, if there is more risk, for we do not know how many they have left behind." "Hang the risk! Lead on!" In his eagerness, Martella took no pains to hide the noise of tearing through the jungle, and the next moment they emerged into the trail again.

Estas niñas románticas, cuya cabeza ha podido exaltar la lectura de novelas, no reparan en clases ni en dinero; éste podrá ser su yerro; enamóranse de un hombre sin preguntarle quién es; ésta es su imprudencia: si sale pobre, verdad es, nada les arredra, y en las aras del amor sacrifican su porvenir; mas si sale rico, como ya están enamoradas, por esta sola circunstancia no se desenamoran.

"Clear as the sun that shines over the Llano Estacado," was the reply of the lieutenant, whose admiration for the executive qualities of his superior officer, along with the bumpers he had imbibed, had now exalted his fancy to a poetical elevation. "Carrai-i! Esta un golpe magnifico! Or even the great Santa Anna!"

They can prove that they were out at almost any time; and I think that all the first generation of them deserve a pension more than any that went to the Mexican war. Aquí está encerrada el alma del licenciado Pedro Garcias. If I should ever make a little book out of these papers, which I hope you are not getting tired of, I suppose I ought to save the above sentence for a motto on the title-page.