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Updated: November 26, 2024
No es posible a la sociedad estancarse en un sitio, porque ocurrirá lo que ocurre a las aguas estancadas, que despiden pestilentes miasmas. La teoría de que la mujer sólo existe para el hogar y por el hogar ha dejado de existir hace tiempo.
"Although," he observed, "natural fear is operative in all alike, a man may be brave in not letting it be seen; and it is this that constitutes Courage": Que aunque el natural temor En todos obra igualmente, No mostrarle es ser valiente Y esto es lo que hace el valor.
At length "Agua, agua" we had not a drop of water in the boat. "El muchacho esta moriendo de sed Agua." We got on board, and the surgeon gave the poor fellow some weak tepid grog. It acted like magic. He gradually uncoiled himself, his voice, from being weak and husky, became comparative strong and clear. "El hijo Agua para mi Pedrillo No le hace pari mi oh la noche pasado, la noche pasado!"
Well, I says to Jane I was laying the cards for her 'usband, dear I says to Jane, I says, without doubt Hisaac is about to pass over, I says, seeing the red boy's come up in conjugation with the hace. 'Lord! Mrs. Eliza! Lay them out again, she says, 'for, she says, 'if Hike is going to pass over, she says " "Extraordinary, dear Mrs. Eliza! You're a genius!" cried Lady Enid in despair.
Tellamantez led the way across the square to her CASA. The Ramas brothers escorted Thea, and as they stepped out of the door, Silvo exclaimed, "HACE FRIO!" and threw his velvet coat about her shoulders. Most of the company followed Mrs. Tellamantez, and they sat about on the gravel in her little yard while she and Johnny and Mrs. Miguel Ramas served the ice-cream.
One might argue at considerable length on this novel subject; and perhaps, after all, produce little more than prolix pedantry: "Vox et praeterea nihil." Let us suppose for an instant that it is a new species. Well; "Una golondrina no hace verano": One swallow does not make summer, as Sancho Panza says.
The hace of spades came up three times in conjugation with the Knave of 'earts!" "Terrific! Very great!" buzzed Verano, with a strong South American Irish brogue a real broth of a brogue. "Wonderful!" said Lady Enid, hastily, endeavouring to pass on. "Wait a minute, darling.
DON EDUARDO. Todos los días, ¡a ti que te gusta tanto la limpieza! y tendrás asimismo que guisar, fregar, jabonar, planchar, coser, remendar, y hacer en fin, todo aquello que hace una mujer casada sin criada. DOÑA MATILDE. Ay, Eduardo, ¿sabes que es dinero muy bien gastado el de los salarios?
The bearded man caught it by the lantern-light, and tethered the San Marco to her place. Then he asked, in a deep voice: "Has traido al Doctor?" "Si, si!" answered Sparicio... "Y el viejo?" "Aye! pobre!" responded Feliu, "hace tres dias que esta muerto." Henry Edwards was dead!
*dispensa*: in this case, permission from the bishop or other dignitary to waive the formalities preceding a wedding in the Catholic church. *Ofelia, Malvina, Etelvina, Coralina*: heroines of the various books *de forro colorado* that Matilde has been reading. *como quien dice*: 'as you might say. *Hace que se va*: 'pretends to go.
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