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Sabes and Martin simply told their story and their ideas to Leclerc, adding the information that Toussaint L'Ouverture was an adept in dissimulation; that they had as nearly as possible been deprived of this piece of insight, by the apparent frankness and candour of his manners; and that, but for the boldness of Sabes in pressing the affair of the buried treasure, they should actually have quitted the negro chief, after an occasional intercourse of nine weeks, without any knowledge of that power of dissimulation which had been formerly attributed to him by those who, it now appeared, knew him well, and which must be the guiding fact in all the Captain-General's dealings with him.

As Sabes and Martin entered, L'Ouverture and Christophe renewed, by a glance, their agreement to speak and act with the utmost apparent sameness of views and intentions. It was but a poor substitute for the real coincidence which had always hitherto existed; but it was all that was now possible. "I am going to send you back to your Captain-General, gentlemen," said Toussaint.

"Tell him that the wealth of the colony, sufficient for the desires of its inhabitants, is dispersed through all its dwellings, to be enjoyed not hidden by avarice, and sealed with blood." "We are too well informed," said Sabes, "concerning the wealth and splendour of the colony to believe that any part of its treasure has met our eyes that can be concealed.

On what consideration is it possible to impute this war to me?" "It would never have broken out if you had not despised the authority, and thrown off the control, of the mother-country. This view cannot be new to you, General Toussaint," continued Sabes, on seeing the look of amazement with which L'Ouverture turned to Christophe. "Indeed it is," replied Toussaint.

It was never his desire, nor that of any true Frenchman," said Sabes, "to be at war on the soil of this colony. You alone, General Toussaint, are responsible for the loss of lives, and all the other miseries which it has occasioned." "How so? Let him say on, Lieutenant Martin. No one suffers by speaking his thoughts to me, be they what they may.

Officer, take charge of the prisoner until it's paid! It took about ten dollars to cover everything, which I paid, McKay returning it when he reached his camp. Whoever named that alcalde 'Law west of the Pecos' knew his man." "I'll bet a twist of dog," said Ramrod, "that prisoner with the black whiskers sabes English. Did you notice him paying strict attention to Smoky's little talk?

To her, and any companions she could find among the women, was confided the charge of Sabes and Martin, who, locked into a room whence they must hear the firing of their comrades outside, could not be supposed likely to make a desperate attempt to escape. Therese answered for their detention, if she had arms for herself and two companions.

DON EDUARDO. Todos los días, ¡a ti que te gusta tanto la limpieza! y tendrás asimismo que guisar, fregar, jabonar, planchar, coser, remendar, y hacer en fin, todo aquello que hace una mujer casada sin criada. DOÑA MATILDE. Ay, Eduardo, ¿sabes que es dinero muy bien gastado el de los salarios?

It had been one of the Kid's pastimes to shoot Mexicans "to see them kick": if he demanded from them moribund Terpsichorean feats, simply that he might be entertained, what terrible and extreme penalties would be certain to follow should they anger him! One and all they lounged with upturned palms and shrugging shoulders, filling the air with "/quien sabes/" and denials of the Kid's acquaintance.

The stranger drove away. The brothers exchanged a puzzled glance, but Sargent smiled. "That old boy sabes cows some little," said the latter. "The chances are that he's forgotten more about cattle than some of these government experts ever knew. Anyway, he reads the sign without much effort. His survey of this range and the outlook are worth listening to. Better look up an outfit of men."