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Sabes did not press the point further, because he saw it would be useless. But he and his companion were more and more persuaded of the truth of their notion of what they had seen and heard, the more they recalled the tales told at the Court of France of the plate, the gems, the bullion and coin, and the personal ornaments which abounded, even in the prosperous days of the old emigrants.

Here are our credentials, by which you will discover our names, Lieutenant Martin," pointing to his companion, "and Captain Sabes," bowing for himself. "It is too late for negotiation, gentlemen," said L'Ouverture, "as the news from the south will already have informed the Captain-General. I regret the accident of your having lost your way, as it will deprive you for a time of your liberty.

The French officers assented; but waited, as if to hear something more, besides Christophe's declaration, for his own part, of agreement in what L'Ouverture had said. Sabes at length spoke, not without another cautionary sign from his companion.

Three hours after entering the city I am following-the Fates only know whither the leadership of an individual who fortunately "sabes" a word or so of pidgin English, and who really seems to have discovered my wants.

You were hunting,” he told him slowly and impressively, “and you dropped your gun and shot yourself. Sabes?” The man nodded. “How much were you paid to kill me, friend?” Ramon then asked. The man looked at the pommel of the saddle, and his swarthy face darkened with a heavy flush. “One hundred dollars,” he admitted. “I needed the money to christen a child. Could I let my child go to hell?

"Not without apology, I trust," said Sabes, "for having subjected to such treatment as we have undergone, messengers sent to parley bearing actually the necessary credentials from the Captain-General. For nine weeks have my companion and I been dragged from place to place, wherever it suited your purposes to go, in perpetual fear for our lives."

"Now listen to that! What does he say? Well, he's tellin' me he sabes I got a chanct at a job and that he'll keep his mouth shut about what you said, like me. And that it's about time I quit botherin' folks what's busy and went back to the hotel so he can watch things go by. That there dog bosses me around somethin' scandalous."

DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Qué sabes ? BRUNO. Porque nunca se despierta antes de las nueve, y porque.... DON EDUARDO. Quizá valga más entonces que yo vuelva un poco más tarde. DOÑA MATILDE. No, no; ¿a qué prolongar nuestra agonía? Anda, Brunito, anda, si es que mi felicidad te interesa.

Under the impulse of the moment, no voice was louder or more joyous than Vincent's. It now only remained for Maurepas to bring his numerous troops up to the point of junction. He must presently arrive; and then, as Placide and other sanguine young soldiers thought, and as Sabes and his companion began seriously to fear, the negro force under L'Ouverture might defy all Europe.

I reckon that's where I got the idea of makin' up po'try, later." "I really beg your pardon," said Bartley. "The mescal must of told you." "I don't quite get that," said Bartley. "No? Well, you ain't the first. Josh and Filaree is the only ones that sabes me. Let's sit in this corner and watch the mescal work for a livin'." It was a hot night. Sweat prickled on Bartley's forehead. His nose itched.