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We was on Nunca Secos Key, with the Gulf of Mexico murmurin' gentle behind us, and out in front a big red sun was blazin' through the black pines that edge the west coast of Florida. Five of us, includin' Vee and Captain Rupert Killam and me; and each in our own peculiar way was registerin' the Pollyanna-Mrs. Wiggs stuff. Why not?

X, p. 77: 'Preguntado qué es lo que quiere: dijo quél ha entendido quel P. maestro fray Luis de Leon, catredático de Salamanca de la órden de Señor San Agustin, está preso en la Inquisicion de Valladolid; y que habia un mes que estando este en el convento de la dicha ciudad de la dicha órden, hablando con fray Martin de Guevara, natural de Lorca, residente en el dicho monasterio de San Agustin desta ciudad, le dijo el dicho fray Martin quél habia ayudado muchas veces á decir misa al dicho fray Luis de Leon en su celda en Salamanca, y que siempre se la oyó decir de Requiem, aunque fuese fiesta, y que nunca le entendia lo que decia porque hablaba tu tu tu, de manera que no lo entendia, y acababa muy presto.

DON PEDRO. Todo está ya perdonado y olvidado con tal que me jures que no nos volveremos a separar en la vida. DOÑA MATILDE. Oh, nunca, nunca. DON PEDRO. ¿Y qué, no me abraza usted, Sr. D. Eduardo? Ea, déme usted uno bien apretado, y salgamos pronto de este camaranchón ... que se me va la cabeza sólo de acordarme.... DON EDUARDO. Pero, Sr.

Since then I had not again thought of the matter; but now I sought out the thick stem once more, and thought I ought to have written a poem on it, began to compose verses, and murmured: A saudade no coração mi e doce como o teu bejo then I stood a long time with my head down, trying to formulate the following verses; and finally I added: vivrei d'esta consolacão, de ti, e se nunca te vejo!

Ella es obediente, sumisa, resignada; no discute ni razona nunca; calla, obedece, sirve, un mueble hermoso que se diferencia de los demás de la casa en que tiene vida; muñeca deliciosa porque habla y tiene un poco de juicio. Yo que este es el ideal que muchos hombres quieren, por la sencilla y única razón de que así les conviene.

* "Que me sangre sea la ultima que se derrame en sacrificio a la patria; y si fuese necessario algunos de sus hijos, sea para el bien de la nacion, y nunca en traicion de ella." Other versions of his last words have been given, but that given above seems the most authentic, not only from intrinsic probability, but from the fact that it was given, shortly after the execution, by the Mexican Dr.

DON EDUARDO. ¿Y ya ve usted si me lo parecerá a ? DOÑA MATILDE. Así confieso que ya no me queda esperanza alguna. DON EDUARDO. Ni a tampoco ... verdad es que nunca la tuve ... de ahí que no me haya dormido, y que si usted quiere.... DOÑA MATILDE. Explíquese usted.

The spirit of inquiry which has broken so many idols, and opened such new vistas of thought for the minds of all the world, is as yet a stranger to Spain. It is the blind and fatal boast of even the best of Spaniards that their country is a unit in religious faith. Nunca se disputo en Espana, "There has never been any discussion in Spain," exclaims proudly an eminent Spanish writer.

"I can tell you the old Spanish name, however, which no one on the west coast seems to know. It is Nunca Secos Key meaning the key that is never dry." "Huh!" says I. "That listens better in Spanish. Better not translate if you want to make a hit." "I am merely stating the facts as they are," says Rupert. He's a serious-minded gink, and all frivolous cracks are lost on him completely.

I want her to call me up when she comes in. No I'll dash it off right here on the lib'ry table. Here's a pad and " I broke off there, because my mouth was open too wide for further remarks. On the table was a big atlas opened to the map of Florida. And on the margin, with a line drawn from about the middle of the west coast, was something written faint in pencil. "Nunca Secos Key!" I reads.