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In the centre of the stage, the soprano, the star, the prima donna chanted a fervid but ineffectual appeal to the tenor who cried, "Jamais, jamais!" striking his breast and pointing with his sword. The prima donna cried, "Ah, mon Dieu, ayez pitié de moi." Her confidante, the mezzo-soprano, came to her support, repeating her words with an impersonal meaning, "Ayez pitié d'elle."

Mon cher Monsieur Reeve, J'apprends par M. Gavard que vous avez l'intention de venir en France vers le 20 juillet. Je m'empresse de vous dire tout le plaisir que vous nous ferez, a la comtesse de Paris et a moi, en commencant ce voyage par un sejour au Chateau d'Eu. Je regrette seulement que vous ayez l'intention de l'entreprendre seul.

J'aurai des entretiens avec la mere, qui ne sont pas toujours composes avec du miel. "Helas! Rende mi figlia mia." Voila ou j'en reviens. Adieu. Ayez un peu de pitie de tous mes embarras, qui ne finissent pas.

She spoke no more to Cheri, but muttered constantly, "Bon Dieu, ayez pitie La Folle! Bon Dieu, ayez pitie moi!" Instinct seemed to guide her. When the pathway spread clear and smooth enough before her, she again closed her eyes tightly against the sight of that unknown and terrifying world. A child, playing in some weeds, caught sight of her as she neared the quarters.

'Eh bien, Messieurs, wheel to de right Ah! dat is it! Eh, Monsieur de Bradwardine, ayez la bonte de vous mettre a la tete de votre regiment, car, par Dieu, je n'en puis plus! The Baron of Bradwardine was obliged to go to the assistance of Monsieur de Beaujeu, after he had fairly expended his few English military phrases. One purpose of the Chevalier was thus answered.

When you deliver a matter do it without Passion & with Discretion, however mean y'e Person be you do it too Chapter vii. 27. Quand vous faites vne ambassade, vn rapport, ou donnez l'ouuerture de quelque affaire, taschez de le faire sans passion & auec discretion, soit que vous ayez

Her young friend was likewise led into this error; and, when the former began to express her disgust too freely to accord with the feelings of the latter, she interrupted her with saying 'Ayez la bonte, madame, de parler Francois? 'Be kind enough, madam, to speak French.

'Monseigneur! said a very handsome French cavalry officer, who was in attendance. 'Ayez la bonte d'alligner ces montagnards la, ainsi que la cavalerie, s'il vous plait, et de les remettre a la marche. Vous parlez si bien l'Anglois, cela ne vous donneroit pas beaucoup de peine.

I walk'd up close to the table, and giving first such a look at the books as to make him conceive I knew what they were, I told him I had come without any one to present me, knowing I should meet with a friend in his apartment, who, I trusted, would do it for me: it is my countryman, the great Shakespeare, said I, pointing to his works et ayez la boute, mon cher ami, apostrophizing his spirit, added I, de me faire cet honneur-la.

'Your room will always be ready, she added. 'Ayez la bonte seulement de m'envoyer une petite ligne d'avance. 'There's only fifteen minutes, interrupted her husband, 'and it's uphill all the way. They trundled off along the dusty road, already hot in the early July sun.