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He drew his hat down over his eyes, and remained in his place, hating Mr. Bonteen, hating Barrington Erle, hating Mr. Turnbull, but hating no one so much as he hated himself. He had disgraced himself for ever and could never recover the occasion which he had lost. Mr. Bonteen's speech was in no way remarkable. Mr.

"I say, my lads," said he, taking us both for watermen, "have you a mind to earn a couple of guineas with very little trouble?" "Oh, yes," replied Mr Turnbull, "if you can show us how. A fine chance for you, Jacob," continued he, aside. "Well, then, I shall want your services, perhaps, for not more than an hour; it may be a little longer, as there is a lady in question, and we may have to wait.

Turnbull," said the stout fisherman, tapping him on the arm, "was a little touch o' the sun." "What felt to you like a push," said another man, "and over you went." "As easy as easy," said a third. "You're red in the face now," said the stout fisherman, regarding him critically, "and your eyes are starting.

They had long coats down to their heels, and carried under each coat something that looked like a stick. One was tall and dark, the other short and red-haired. They ordered a pot of ale each. "MacIan," said Turnbull, lifting his tankard, "the fool who wanted us to be friends made us want to go on fighting. It is only natural that the fool who wanted us to fight should make us friendly.

Captain Turnbull, with his hands resting on his knees, and his extinguished pipe placed bowl downwards between his teeth, regarded his mate with the blank astonishment we may imagine in one who believes he at last actually sees a genuine ghost, and finally gasped in sepulchral tones "Are you the cap'n of this ship?"

So, although all stared at the minister as if they drank in every word of his representation of Noah's flood, with its despairing cries, floating carcases, and lingering deaths on the mountain-tops as the water crept slowly up from peak to peak, yet they were much too frightened at the little flood in the valley of two rivers, to care for the terrors of the great deluge of the world, in which, according to Mr Turnbull, eighty thousand millions of the sons and daughters of men perished, or to heed the practical application which he made of his subject.

And 'e won't take none of the others either, 'cause 'e'd be afraid to trust 'isself alone with 'em." "Very well," said Leslie. "I think I can see my way pretty clearly now. If Turnbull should go ashore by himself to-morrow, I will look after him and see that he does not return to the barque.

"No, we beat them in the great military art of running away," returned the other. "They won't catch us unless " MacIan turned his long equine face inquiringly. "Unless what?" he said, for Turnbull had gone silent suddenly, and seemed to be listening intently as he ran as a horse does with his ears turned back. "Unless what?" repeated the Highlander. "Unless they do what they have done. Listen."

Gilmore told Colonel McIntyre that these securities had been given to Jimmie Turnbull last Saturday on his presentation of a letter from McIntyre requesting that they be turned over to the bank's cashier. McIntyre expressed his surprise and asked to see the letter " Clymer paused and took a paper from his desk. "Here is the letter." Kent took the paper and examined it closely.

And together with this feeling there arose a general verdict of "Serve them right" against all who had come into contact with the police in the great Turnbull row; and thus it came to pass that Mr. Bunce had not been liberated up to the Monday morning. On the Sunday Mrs. Bunce was in hysterics, and declared her conviction that Mr. Bunce would be imprisoned for life.