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Updated: August 3, 2024

He read deprecation in my looks alas! he knew too well how I disliked the tan-yard and all belonging to it. "Thee'rt a fool, and the lad's another. He may go about his business for me." "But, father, isn't there anything else?" "I have nothing else, or if I had I wouldn't give it. He that will not work neither shall he eat."

"Wait till thee'rt asked, Parson, dear. I've been spying in upon 'ee these nights past. Pretty carpenters you be! T'other night, as I was a-peeping, the Lord said to me, 'Arise, go, and for goodness' sake show them chaps how to do it fitty. 'Dear Lord, I said, 'Thou knowest I be a Bryanite. The Lord said to me, 'None of your back answers! Go and do as I tell 'ee. So here I be." Mr.

'I don't think it means we are to ask our enemies to tea, said Stephen, in perplexity. 'If she was badly off, like, and in want of a meal's meat, it 'ud be another thing; I'd do it gladly. And on a Sunday too! Oh, Martha, it doesn't seem right. 'Oh, nothing's right that I do! replied Martha pettishly; 'thee'rt afraid I'll get as good as thee, and then thee cannot crow over me.

"Thee'rt lookin' like a thing hurried in mind." "I wants the loan of your horse and trap, missus," said Tummels. "Sakes alive, is that all? Why on the wide earth couldn't you ha' gone fore to stable an' fetched 'em, without spoilin' my beauty-sleep?" asked Bessie. "No, missus. To be honest with 'ee that's not nearly all." Tummels rubbed the back of his head.

"Eh!" said the old man, much astonished, "thee'rt an odd lad; but I can't stay talking with thee. Come in to dinner, Phineas. I say," turning back to John Halifax with a sudden thought, "art thee hungry?" "Very hungry." Nature gave way at last, and great tears came into the poor lad's eyes. "Nearly starving." "Bless me! then get in, and have thy dinner.

"Zeb's turn!" roared out Toby Lewarne, breaking off The Third Good Joy midway, in his excitement. "Have a care have a care, my son!" Old Zeb looked up to shout. "Thee'rt so good as wed already; so do thy wedded man's duty, an' kiss th' hugliest!" It was true.

'Aw, says I, 'so thee'rt feelin' of it, too! 'Feelin' of it! says he, 'durned if this isn' the awnly place I can get a wink o' sleep! 'Come'st way long to Wall-end and tetch pipe, says I. Tha's how it began. An' now, ever since Billy thought 'pon the plan of settin' someone, turn an' turn, to watch your window, there's nothin' to hurry us.

Raymond went back to his beloved books, but not to read; and early next morning was ready at the cross-roads for the van which plied twice a week between Innis village and Truro. He had three boxes with him heavy boxes, as Calvin the van-driver remarked when it came to lifting them on board. "Thee'rt not leaving us, surely?" said he. "No." "But however didst get these lumping boxes up the hill?"

"An' our Sennacherib," retorted Isaiah, "is the one as carries Natur's license t' offer the rough side of his tongue to everybody." "I know it's a compliment," said the younger man, "to say I have my uncle's hand, though I never heard my uncle play." "No, lad," said the old man who stood behind his chair. "Thee'rt a finer player than ever I was.

Macann was actually fumbling with the button of the door. Quick as thought then she seized a hassock, sprang on it, and, reaching over the partition, pressed a hand down on his chestnut wig. "Sit still sit still, man!" she commanded. "Thee'rt throwing helve after hatchet, I tell 'ee. What's a stomach-ache, after all?" "I don't follow you, Mrs. Lebow," said the Doctor: and small blame to him.

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