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It was an edict welcomed by all men of self-control who knew that France had been poisoned by this filthy liquid, but they too became a little pale when all the cafes of Paris were closed at eight o'clock. "Sapristi! Qu'est qu'on peut faire les soirs? On ne peut pas dormir tout le temps! Et la guerre durera peut-etre trois mois!"

The Italian looked murderous for a moment, but he gave ground almost in spite of himself. Perhaps the calm insistence of the other man's bearing warned him at the outset of the futility of attempting any other course of action; Jake was actually in the carriage before he could jerk out a word of protest. "Sapristi! You go too far!" he blustered then.

"Je vous salue, Mesdemoiselles," he cried, "mes anges a char-a-banc. Pouvez-vous me diriger chez Monsieur Gratiot?" "Sapristi!" exclaimed the young man, but he laughed. The young women stood up, giggling, and peered at Nick over the young man's shoulder. One of them wore a fresh red-and-white calamanco gown.

"You are certain that it is his writing?" "Yes" and then she handed him another letter from the packet John's last one to her. "You can see for yourself it is the same hand." Stepan took both over to the lamp, and was bending to examine them when he gave a little cry: "Sapristi!" and instead of looking at the writings he sniffed strongly at the card, and then again. Amaryllis watched him amazedly.

Sapristi! if I have only one ting to say God-have-mercy for, I tink dat ver' good; I do my penance happy. Well, dat Mathurin him use to teach de school. De Cure he ver' fond of him. All de leetla children, boys and girls, dey all say: 'C'est bon Mathurin! He is not ver' cross non. He have no wife, no child; jes live by himself all alone. But he is ver' good friends with everybody in Pontiac.

See! he vas my pony ah! eet makes me to laugh to know de Señor Farnham give him me; now I make him to upset de Señor Farnham. Sapristi! eet vas vat you call de vay of de vorld, de verligig; vas eet not so? You ride de pony, señorita; I valk an' lead him si, si, you more tired as Mercedes; I danseuse, no tire ever in de legs. Den I find de vay more easy on foot in de dark, see? You ride good, hey?

You try turn me against Señor Farnham. I tink you not catch Mercedes so." "You do not believe me?" "Sapristi! I know not for sure. Maybe I help, maybe I not. First I talk vis Señor Farnham, an' den I know vether you lie, or tell true. Vatever ees right I do." "Then permit me to pass."

Is it not so?" Still Tanrade was silent. Now and then he gave a shrug of his big shoulders and toyed with his half empty glass of liqueur. Sapristi! it is not easy to decide between the woman you love and a northeast gale thrashing the marsh in front of my house abandoned. He, like myself, could already picture in his mind's eye duck after duck plunge out of the night among our live decoys.

"They work like men, these English young girls, is it not so?" said another. "Sapristi, c'est merveilleux." "One would truly say from the distance that they were men, but this one, when one sees her close, is not too bad!" said a third. "Passing remarks about you, they are, I should say," said McLaughlan to me as I fixed the spare wheel in place. "You wait," I panted, "I'll pay them out."

A green and yellow parrot, which hung in a cage outside the door, kept repeating over and over: "Allez vous-en! Allez vous-en! Sapristi! That's all right!" He could speak a little Spanish, and also a language which nobody understood, unless it was the mocking-bird that hung on the other side of the door, whistling his fluty notes out upon the breeze with maddening persistence. Mr.