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Jorrocks, her eyes starting as she spoke, "don't let us have any of your low-lifed stable conversation here you think to show off before the ladies," added she, "and flatter yourself you talk about what we don't understand. Now, I'll be bound to say, with all your fine sporting hinformation, you carn't tell me whether a mule brays or neighs!" "Vether a mule brays or neighs?" repeated Mr.

'Vy, sir, said Sam, grinning still more, 'he wishes to know vether she 'In short, interposed old Mr. Weller decisively, a perspiration breaking out upon his forehead, 'vether that 'ere old creetur is or is not a widder. Mr. Pickwick laughed heartily, and so did I, as I replied decisively, that 'my housekeeper was a spinster. 'There! cried Sam, 'now you're satisfied.

Hows’ever, all I’ve got to say is this here: You sit quietly down in that chair, and I’ll sit hoppersite you here, and if you keep quiet and don’t stir, I won’t damage you; but, if you move hand or foot till half-past twelve o’clock, I shall alter the expression of your countenance so completely, that the next time you look in the glass you’ll ask vether you’re gone out of town, and ven you’re likely to come back again.

I think it's five-and-twenty, but I don't rightly know vether it ain't more. 'Well; that's pretty well, said Sam. 'Besides, continued Mr. Weller, not noticing the interruption, 'that's a wery different thing. You know what the counsel said, Sammy, as defended the gen'l'm'n as beat his wife with the poker, venever he got jolly. "And arter all, my Lord," says he, "it's a amiable weakness."

You hear she's a spinster. 'A wot? said his father, with deep scorn. 'A spinster, replied Sam. Mr. Weller looked very hard at his son for a minute or two, and then said, 'Never mind vether she makes jokes or not, that's no matter. Wot I say is, is that 'ere female a widder, or is she not?

You try turn me against Señor Farnham. I tink you not catch Mercedes so." "You do not believe me?" "Sapristi! I know not for sure. Maybe I help, maybe I not. First I talk vis Señor Farnham, an' den I know vether you lie, or tell true. Vatever ees right I do." "Then permit me to pass."

'Therefore, my boy, as I do not see the adwisability o' stoppin here to be married vether I vant to or not, and as at the same time I do not vish to separate myself from them interestin' members o' society altogether, I have come to the determination o' driving the Safety, and puttin' up vunce more at the Bell Savage, vich is my nat'ral born element, Sammy.

"Vell, p'raps I is an' p'raps I ain't, Bobby," replied the boy with an unsuccessful attempt at a smile, for he felt safe to chaff or insult his foe in the circumstances, "but vether hurt or not it vont much matter to you, vill it?" He fainted as he spoke, and the look of half-humorous impudence, as well as that of pain, gave place to an expression of infantine repose.

I didn't know vether you had returned from the trip vich you vas to make, but I vas determined to try the signal agreed upon, and to my great joy, I heard you hanswer the first time I calls." "And you saw them remove the sack?" demanded the chief. "Yes, hindeed I did; and 'cos I calls to you, these fellows fires at me, but they vas not quick enough for Steel Spring."

'Ask number twenty-two, vether he'll have 'em now, or vait till he gets 'em, was the reply. 'Come, don't be a fool, Sam, said the girl coaxingly, 'the gentleman wants his boots directly. 'Well, you ARE a nice young 'ooman for a musical party, you are, said the boot-cleaner. 'Look at these here boots eleven pair o' boots; and one shoe as belongs to number six, with the wooden leg.