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Updated: August 11, 2024

Hein! 'sapristi, two brave men would be arrant fools to kill each other for a joke." "Are you sure the pistols will carry wide enough? I should be sorry to kill the man, after all," said Gaudissart. "Sleep in peace," answered Mitouflet, departing. The next morning the two adversaries, more or less pale, met beside the bridge of La Cise.

A model Sapristi! he called himself such, but for herself she would have called him un vrai apache! Of a countenance, mon Dieu! She paused to wave her hands in horror and jerk her head toward the staircase, continuing her confidences in a lowered tone.

"The little fellow Sapristi that is grand! the young gentleman is the little corporal do you like the title, my young master?" Spero, clapping his hand joyfully into the proffered one of the Zouave, cried out laughingly: "I shall do my best to earn my epaulets!" "Go now, Coucou," said Monte-Cristo, "and do not fail to be at the harbor at six o'clock to-morrow morning."

But now another idea had obtruded itself, and was rapidly crowding his original intentions into the background. That American fortune was not to be sneezed at, nor was its possessor a whit less attractive. "SAPRISTI! but she would cause a sensation in St. Petersburg." And he would, too, with the assistance of her inheritance.

Under the third arch of the Pont de Jena, the new stone with which, the two years previously, the mining aperture made by Blucher to blow up the bridge had been stopped up, was still recognizable on account of its whiteness. Justice summoned to its bar a man who, on seeing the Comte d'Artois enter Notre Dame, had said aloud: "Sapristi!

"It was that single word "father" which had effected this revolution. Marius stared at him in bewilderment. M. Gillenormand's mobile face was no longer expressive of anything but rough and ineffable good-nature. The grandsire had given way before the grandfather. "Come, see here, speak, tell me about your love affairs, jabber, tell me everything! Sapristi! how stupid young folks are!"

"Ouf!" said the Friend of the Flag, with more expression in that single exclamation than could be put in a volume. "He does woman's deeds, does he? He has woman's hands, but they can fight, I fancy? Six Arabs to his own sword the other day in that skirmish! Superb!" "Sapristi! And what did he say, this droll, when he looked at them lying there? Just shrugged his shoulders and rode away.

"Yes," conceded the Bombing Officer, "and then café noir, and an Abdulla No. 5 in the arm-chair. Sapristi! isn't it cold?" He turned round sulkily in his bed. "If it's like this to-morrow I shan't get up no, not if Gladys Cooper comes to wake me." So he dropped off to sleep.... And, with Doe asleep, I can say that to which I have been leading up.

They were girls of fourteen, always clad in the Virgin's colors, blue and white, having been dedicated to the Blessed Virgin at their baptism. They played a duet from "Zampa," and at the earnest solicitation of every one present followed it with the overture to "The Poet and the Peasant." "Allez vous-en! Sapristi!" shrieked the parrot outside the door.

"But there's another, mamma. There are always beys luckily for me, sapristi! But don't you be afraid. You won't have so much trouble on your hands. Friend Cardailhac has undertaken to look after things. We're going to have some superb fêtes. Meanwhile give us some dinner quick, and show us our rooms. Our Parisian friends are tired out."

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