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Updated: August 11, 2024

Hein! 'sapristi, two brave men would be arrant fools to kill each other for a joke." "Are you sure the pistols will carry WIDE ENOUGH? I should be sorry to kill the man, after all," said Gaudissart. "Sleep in peace," answered Mitouflet, departing. The next morning the two adversaries, more or less pale, met beside the bridge of La Cise.

Then, suddenly he came to life, and leaped to David's side. "Diable! Tonnerre! You have not fight Concombre Bateese yet!" he howled. "Non, you have cheat me, you have lie, you have run lak cat from Concombre Bateese, ze stronges' man on all T'ree River! You are wan' gran' coward, wan poltroon, an' you 'fraid to fight ME, who ees greates' fightin' man in all dees countree! Sapristi!

Come now, let's have the count," said the man, as he whipped a greasy leather-covered book from his pocket. "Sapristi, I'm waiting. Stay yourself!" he added roughly as she moved on, and his greyish-yellow face had an evil joy at thought of the brutal work in hand. "Who are you?" she asked, but taking her time to speak. "Dame! you know who I am." "I know what you are," she answered quietly.

I know that they have their chapel apart in the church, and that they fall back on the Society of the Virgin; but, sapristi, a handsome husband, a fine fellow, and at the expiration of a year, a big, blond brat who nurses lustily, and who has fine rolls of fat on his thighs, and who musses up your breast in handfuls with his little rosy paws, laughing the while like the dawn, that's better than holding a candle at vespers, and chanting Turris eburnea!"

'Sapristi! said the Doctor, 'you should have sent for me before. It was a case for hurry. And he followed the messenger as he was, in his slippers and skull-cap. The inn was not thirty yards away, but the messenger did not stop there; he went in at one door and out by another into the court, and then led the way by a flight of steps beside the stable, to the loft where the mountebank lay sick.

I like you better in love with a petticoat, sapristi! with twenty petticoats, than with M. de Robespierre. For my part, I will do myself the justice to say, that in the line of sans-culottes, I have never loved any one but women. Pretty girls are pretty girls, the deuce! There's no objection to that. As for the little one, she receives you without her father's knowledge.

He played it wonderfully on that poor fiddle; and the fiddler, who had followed at his elbow, stood watching him, uneasy, envious, but a little entranced. Sapristi! This tall, pale monsieur with the strange face and the eyes that looked drunk and the hollow chest, played like an angel! Ah, but it was not so easy as all that to make money in the streets of this sacred town!

"I guess he’ll recover," Jack yelled cheerfully. "Oh, there’s Clover!" Its owner came in for a stirrup cup; Mitchell was with him. Both were togged out as if entered for the annual Paris-Bordeaux. Burnett brought out the cut-glass jugs. "Ye gods and little fishes! Sapristi! Sacre bleu!" he said to his friends. "Just you wait till you see our Aunt Mary!" "Has she got ’em all on?" Clover asked.

"Y-y-you really m-mean it?" he asked, eagerly, as though fearing the return to daylight might already have altered her decision. "C-can I c-call on you wh-wh-where you s-s-said?" She smiled sweetly down at him, her eyes picturing undisguised admiration of his generous proportions, and frank, boyish face. "Si, si, señor. Sapristi, why not? 'T is I, rather, who 'fraid you forget to come."

"I, parbleu!" shouted Leblanc. "Sapristi! that black devil wanted to torture me, Leblanc, the friend of the great Napoleon. Well, at least I have tortured him whom I meant to kill." "Yes, you fool," I answered; "and we, too, shall be tortured because of your wickedness. You have shot a messenger carrying a flag of truce, and that the Quabies will never forgive. Oh!

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