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Spike hurriedly told his brother to do the same. "N-N-No, I g-g-guess I'm better off right here. He'll have to d-d- drill through b-both s-sides of the 'G-G-Grasshopper', I m-mean the 'H-Hoppergrass' before he can hit m-me. I'm afraid B-B-Brother S-S-Snider is f-f-forgetting to be g-g-good!" And then we could hear him quoting Mr. Snider.

For a moment he continued to gaze through the obscuring haze of tobacco smoke, uncertain as to the other's identity, his eyes growing angry, his square jaw set firm. "W-who is the f-f-feller?" he questioned gruffly. "Wh-what 's she m-mean l-leavin' me to go over th-thar ter h-him?" Beth Norvell glanced up frankly into his puzzled face.

Once or twice she made a sign with her fingers, and frowned anxiously. "What is it, Aunt Melvy?" Ruth demanded. "Am I going to be an old maid?" "'T ain't no time to joke, chile," whispered Aunt Melvy, all the superstition of her race embodied in her trembling figure. "What I see, I see. Hit's de galluses what I see in de bottom ob yer cup!" "Do you m-mean suspenders?" laughed Annette.

"What d' you m-mean not take her home? Where'll he take her?" "I don't know. That's it. I'm responsible for her. I brought her here. He means to to make her live with him." "Keep her by force that what you're drivin' at?" "No-o. Not exactly. He's got a hold over her father somehow. She's worn out fightin' him. When she ran away with me she played her last card. She'll have to give up now.

He looked at me for a second, grew red in the face, then catching me by the collar, gave me a yank, that made me see forty stars, and said, "B-b-b-last you! wh-wh-at d-d-o y-y-ou m-mean b-b-y m-mocking me? I'll sm-sm-ash y-y-our b-b-b-lamed r-r-ed head."

"It's a very simple matter to arrange, if you wish it," remarked Shin Shira composedly. "D-do you really m-mean that it would be possible for you to make us as tiny as that?" stammered Lionel in his eagerness, his eyes bright with excitement. "I couldn't do it, but the fairies might," said the Dwarf, taking up the little yellow book which I had restored to him after our last adventure.

"Y-y-you really m-mean it?" he asked, eagerly, as though fearing the return to daylight might already have altered her decision. "C-can I c-call on you wh-wh-where you s-s-said?" She smiled sweetly down at him, her eyes picturing undisguised admiration of his generous proportions, and frank, boyish face. "Si, si, señor. Sapristi, why not? 'T is I, rather, who 'fraid you forget to come."

"D-do-don't want to," returned Gunter, angrily for it takes little to make some drunk men angry "You don't want to spend your money, you young miser that's what you m-mean. An' yet it's sheap enough, I'm sure. You'll not git anything in the fleet so sheap as you will in the Coper." "There you are wrong," returned Luke, decidedly.

My father obviously resolved to make the most of his opportunities, for he gave me a thoroughly exhaustive hug before releasing me. "I I didn't m-mean," said my father, blazing with excitement, and gasping with a mingled tendency to laugh and weep, "didn't mean to come it quite so strong, P-Punch, my boy, b-but you'll make allowance for a momentary weakness. I'm getting an old man, Punch.

"You m-mean he s-s-s-s " and finding that the word was going to prove too much for him Toby quickly puckered up his lips, gave a little whistle, and wound up by speaking the objectionable word as plainly as anyone could have done "skedaddled?" "Yes, ran away as fast as he could," Max continued.