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"And what you say, Davy?" he asked. "The money would be good if you took it, sir," I said, not knowing what else to answer. "Sapristi!" exclaimed Monsieur Vigo, looking hard at me. "Who teach you that?" "No one, sir," said I, staring in my turn. "And if Congress lose, and not pay, where am I, mon petit maitre de la haute finance?" demanded Monsieur Vigo, with the palms of his hands outward.

Come now, let's have the count," said the man, as he whipped a greasy leather-covered book from his pocket. "Sapristi, I'm waiting. Stay yourself!" he added roughly as she moved on, and his greyish-yellow face had an evil joy at thought of the brutal work in hand. "Who are you?" she asked, but taking her time to speak. "Dame! you know who I am." "I know what you are," she answered quietly.

The Doctor was at work over his manuscripts in one corner of the little dining-room, and his wife was asleep over the fire in another, when the messenger arrived. "Sapristi!" said the Doctor, "you should have sent for me before. It was a case for hurry." And he followed the messenger as he was, in his slippers and skull-cap.

See if there are any human remains in that fire." The wind was blowing the other way, but as a sergeant went up to the fire in obedience to the general's order, he said: "There is a great smell of burnt flesh here, and, sapristi, yes," as he tossed over the logs with his foot "there is a body here, sir, pretty well burnt up." "It's a curious story," the general said.

I vonder vas all good out at de 'Little Yankee'? Sapristi! he vas such a funny man to talk he sputter like de champagne ven it uncorked. I laugh at him, but I like him just de same, for he act to me like I vas de lady, de ver' fine lady. I never forget dat. You know him, señorita? So big like a great bear, vis de beautiful red hair like de color of dis dress. No?

But, sapristi, you must understand that in order to escape I must create, in advance, a public belief in that escape, a belief amounting to an article of faith, an absolute conviction, a reality as glittering as the sun. And I did create that belief that Arsene Lupin would escape, that Arsene Lupin would not be present at his trial.

"A superb action, my Little One. But did you meet no Arab scouts to stop you?" Cigarette laughed. "Did I not? Met them by dozens. Some had a shot at me; some had a shot from me. One fellow nearly winged me; but I got through them all somehow. Sapristi! I galloped so fast I was very hard to hit flying.

Is it true, then, that Gaston must go to jail? Ah! Mon Dieu!" "Eh bien, my girl! It will not kill him, Sapristi! He will be a better soldier for it." "Be merciful," I pleaded. "Eh bien! Eh bien!" he retorted. "Eh bien!" And cleared his throat. "Forgive them," I insisted. "They overslept. I don't want Suzette to marry a jail-bird." Again he scratched his head and frowned. Suzette was in tears.

What would have happened next had Rokoff had his way we may only conjecture, since he did not have his way at all. Instead, steel fingers gripped his shoulder, and he was swung unceremoniously around, to meet the cold gray eyes of the stranger who had thwarted him on the previous day. "SAPRISTI!" screamed the infuriated Rokoff. "What do you mean?

The first flashed his eyes up in the boy's. "Sapristi!" he cried, and tried to come down to the ready. The shingle roared away beneath his feet. Back he slithered. And as he did so, Kit launched down on him. "Sacre nom!" the fellow screamed, and toppled back on the bayonet of his mate. Kit ran over his falling body into the arms of the other. "Take the man behind!" he yelled back.