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"I know, Phœbe," she said kindly, "that you want to be a good girl. But you say such funny things still that I vonder sometimes if I'm raisin' you the right way. Come, hurry, now get dressed. Your pop's goin' way over to the field near Snavely's and you want to give him good-bye before he goes to work." "I'll hurry, Aunt Maria, honest I will," the child promised and began to dress.

Why, I once swam from Dover to Calais, and back again, for a wager, and danced a hornpipe on the top of Shakespeare's cliff, to the astonishment of all who saw me but that's neither here nor there." "Vel, I vonder de shark did not eat you," observed the colonel, with a grin. "Eat me, mounseer!

While Otto's face was away from his master, the latter stalked around in his front, where, taking the pipe from his dusky lips, he repeated his order, by means of gesture. "I vonder if he don't make a top mit me," muttered Otto; "vy don't he tie von string round me and spin me dot way?" But the boy was not in a situation to refuse, and, when ordered to walk, he did so.

It runs: "Vondervotteimittis Vonder, lege Donder Votteimittis, quasi und Bleitziz Bleitziz obsol: pro Blitzen." This derivative, to say the truth, is still countenanced by some traces of the electric fluid evident on the summit of the steeple of the House of the Town-Council.

"'Who has dreated you, may I ask, Meester Boblin? "'Doctor Stuffen, at Fizzenbad. "'Ah, yes, a fery goot man, but a leedle de times behindt. Vat did you eat? "I handed him the list. "'No vonder dot you are thin, my frent yoost as I oxpected dis ees de olt deory of broteids. Dot is all oxbloded now. Eef you haf stay anuder mont you vould be dead.

I vonder now, mebbe I am funny to look at, that she laughed at me. But if I was I think somebody would 'a' told me long ago. I don't see what for she laughed so at me." She sprang from the bed and ran to the window, pulled the cord of the green shade and sent it rattling to the top.

I vonder vas all good out at de 'Little Yankee'? Sapristi! he vas such a funny man to talk he sputter like de champagne ven it uncorked. I laugh at him, but I like him just de same, for he act to me like I vas de lady, de ver' fine lady. I never forget dat. You know him, señorita? So big like a great bear, vis de beautiful red hair like de color of dis dress. No?

"I'll take your seven to four, in tens," said I to the Baron. "Give me three," says he, "and done." I gave him three, and lost the game by one. "Dobbel, or quits," says he. "Go it," says I, up to my mettle: "Sam Coxe never says no;" and to it we went. I went in, and scored eighteen to his five. "Holy Moshesh!" says Abednego, "dat little Coxsh is a vonder! who'll take odds?"

Indeed after a time there was no withholding him, and they finally took their seats in the dining-room before anybody else. At what seemed to the impatient Baron unconscionably long intervals a few people dropped in and began to study their menus and glance with an air of uncomfortable suspicion at their neighbours. “I vonder vill she gom,” he said three or four times at least.

"You vas after ze monies too, hey! Bah! eet make no difference vat you know. He haf you here all right, var' you keep still or " and he drew the back of a knife across his throat. "I vonder he not keel you furst, M'sieur; maybe he use you, an' then, hav' you shot in ze South. Oui, zat be ze easy vay. Why you ever cum down, an' claim to be Philip Henley hey?"