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And when she laughed, he told her how her father had growled: "Oh, damn the Ambrotox!" and how he had lectured the potentate on nervous exhaustion. But when a little silence fell between them, Amaryllis took a deep breath and plunged, saying in a half-stifled voice, "I want to tell you something."

"I feel when I am with you that I am enveloped in some strong essence," and Amaryllis lay back with a satisfied sigh "as though I were uplifted and awakened it is very curious because you have such a wicked face, but you make me feel that I want to be good." His queer, husky voice took on a new note.

No one knowing the gentle Amaryllis could have recognised her in this fierce, primitive creature claiming her mate! Furious, answering passion surged through Denzil; it was the supreme moment when all artificial restrictions of civilisation were swept away. Nature had come to her own. All her forces were working for these two of her children brought near by a turn of fate.

Amaryllis looked at the pair; they were well-known people, the man celebrated in the literary and artistic section of the world of fashion the woman of high rank and of refined intelligence. Verisschenzko looked also. "I do not know either of their names," he said, "I am simply judging by the obvious deductions to be made by their appearances to any one who has developed intuition."

She continued to Amaryllis: "Lady, you have been kind to me in your way. You have been so in the face of your doubt that I am what I claim to be. How happy, then, you would have made my lot had I not been supplanted and denied! For all this I thank you. Mine would be a poor gratitude if I stay to make you regret your generosity. Wherefore I will go."

Amaryllis was extremly fond of Sempronius and Sempronius was fond of Amaryllis, without each other they were equally unhappy; repeated Visits introduc'd each coming Day, and innocent Embraces crown'd the Night: Love and Liberty were their constant Themes, and nothing was wanting but the Marriage Ceremony to compleat their Felicity; but it so fell out, that after a Day was appointed for celebrating their Nuptials, that a young Gentleman of Spain call'd Richardo, envying the Happiness of Sempronius, made several Attempts to disconcert his Measures; and one Night, taking with him an Officer of Justice, whom he brib'd to his Interest, he repair'd to the House of Amaryllis; and knocking with great Violence, Amaryllis was very much alarm'd; but she sent down her Servant to enquire into the Occasion of this uncommon Approach.

He is tired, he has ceased to struggle; she rules and eats his soul as she has eaten the souls of others. Shall I present her to you? As a type, she is worthy of your attention." "It sounds as if she had the evil eye, as the Italians say," Amaryllis shuddered. "Only for men. She is really an amiable creature women like her.

They could not, of course, go to the theatre, but if she would rather they could go out to a restaurant to dine there were going to be all kinds of difficulties about food. Amaryllis, who responded immediately to the smallest advance on his part, glowed now with fond sweetness. She had been so miserable without him; so crushed and upset by the thought of war, and his possible participation in it.

He read the short communication and exclaimed: "Good God!" and then checked himself. He was obviously stirred, and Verisschenzko watched him narrowly. Anything to do with John must concern Amaryllis, and therefore was of profound interest to himself. "No bad news, I hope?" he said. Denzil was gazing into the fire, and there was a look of wonderment and even rapture upon his face. "Oh!

Amaryllis wrote constantly to John all through August and many of the letters contained loving allusions which made him wince with pain. Then the awful news came of Mons, then the Marne and the Aisne awful and glorious, and a hush and mourning fell over the land, and Amaryllis, like every one else, lost interest in all personal things for a time.

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