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And if she kinder got out of other occupations for a minute durin' them first weeks she would be a quarrelin' with Josiah Allen about age. I s'pose she and Josiah wuzn't far from the same age, for they wuz children together. But she wanted to make out she wuz young. And she would tell Josiah that "he seemed jest like a father to her, and always had."

Quarrelin' and hectorin' hain't nothin' but a kind of dispepsy that attacks families instid of stummicks. In both cases it means somethin' is wrong." "Can't cure a unhappy family with a dose of calomel," said the deacon, acidly. "Hain't so sure. Bet that identical remedy' u'd fix up three out of ten. But somethin' else is wrong with them young Lewises.

They disappeared among the bushes, but returned in a few minutes, although the growling had become louder and was continuous. Both men had lost a little of their ruddiness. "What was it?" asked Will. "It wuz your friend, the Sioux warrior who held you in the cliff so long," replied the Little Giant, shuddering. "Half a dozen big mountain wolves are quarrelin' 'bout the right place to bury him in.

You know some of these redheaded women, they just as devilish as they can be. We had some neighbors, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Daniels and old miss would be out there on the lawn quarrelin' till it was just like a fog. Us niggers would be out there listenin'. "But I was always treated good. You know if I had been beat over the head I couldn't recollect things now. My head ain't been cracked up.

"Aye," said one, "Jock McDonald has a sair time wi' that wife o' his. They do say they're aye quarrelin'." "It serve' him richt," said another feelingly. "The puir feckless creature marrit after coortin' only eight year. Man, indeed, he had nae chance to ken the wumman in sic a short time. When I was coortin' I was coortin' twenty year."

Wan't no sich thing ez quarrelin'. Effen two sailors gits in a rucus, day pipe 'em up on de main deck." "Do what?" the reporter asked. "Pipe 'em up de bos'n blow a whistle an' call 'em in t' fight it out, w'ile de othas watch de fun. Den day gotta shake han's, an' hit done settled.

He did talk the matter over with Deacon Pettybone, but got little enlightenment for his pains. "Don't seem natteral," Scattergood said, "f'r young folks to git to quarrelin' and bickerin' ontil life hain't endurable no longer. 'Tain't natteral a-tall. Somethin' must be all-fired wrong somewheres." "It's human nature to quarrel," said the deacon, gloomily. "Nothin' onusual about it."

But just as he was turning away a word held him for a moment. The discretion of the man in the apron was not quite proof against his habit of talk. "They been quarrelin' a good deal together. I expect the combination is about ready to bust up," he whispered confidentially. "Quarrelin'? What about?" "Oh, I dunno. They act like they're sore as a boil at each other.

There's always been rich and poor in the world, and there always will be. 'Wot I always say is there 'ere, remarked Philpot, whose principal characteristic apart from thirst was a desire to see everyone comfortable, and who hated rows of any kind. 'There ain't no use in the likes of us trubblin our 'eds or quarrelin about politics.

Philip Throckmorton said as how as soon as he had a home er his own you would be the fust pusson ter occupew his gues' chamber. An' then Mr. Little Josh he said how noble an' 'stinguished you were an' s'perior. I tell you, Miss Ann, these here folks air all proud er bein' yo' kin. They's all quarrelin' 'bout whar you air gonter visit nex'."