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"What d'you think about Miss Amory, Lightfoot? tell us in confidence, now do you think we should do well you understand if we make Miss A. into Mrs. A. P.? Comprendy vous?" "She and her ma's always quarrelin'," said Mr. Lightfoot. "Bonner is more than a match for the old lady, and treats Sir Francis like that like this year spill, which I fling into the grate.

"It is all the captain can do to prevent the other two from quarrelin' as to which shall have the first chance to shoot you." "Why does Captain Dawson prevent them?" "'Cause he means to have the first chance himself." "How about you?" grimly asked Lieutenant Russell. "I'm left." "How's that?"

God forgive myself, I was near quarrelin' wid Bartle on the head of it, bekase I tuck my modher's part, as I had a good right to do." "Thrath, I'm thankful to you both, Condy, for your kindness." "Oh, the sarra taste o' kindness was in it at all, Ellish, 'twas only the truth; an' as long as I live, I'll stand up for that." "Arrah, how is your aunt down at Carntall?"

I thought at the time, Josiah wuz so fearful riz up in his mind, that it wuz doubtful if he ever would be settled down agin, and act in a way becomin' to a grandfather and a Deacon in the M.E. meetin'-house. And it wuz a excitin' time, very, and the fightin' and quarrelin' between the rival cities wuz perilous in the extreme.

Scattergood peered after the young couple who had the moment before passed his hardware store, not walking jovially in the enjoyment of each other's presence as young married folks should walk, but sullenly and in silence. "They be the i-dentical ones," Will declared. "Naggin' and quarrelin' and bickerin' from sunup to milkin' time.

"Gentleman, indeed," exclaimed Philip, "nothing short of that will sarve him, shure. To be depinded on, Bat! Why, thin, its more than I'd like to say. Howanever, he's as far in, an' farther than we are." "There's no use in our quarrelin' wid him," said Phats, in his natural manner. "If he's in our power, we're in his; an' you know he could soon make the counthry too hot to hold us.

"Oh, nothin', nothin'. Seth, what's the use of us two settin' here at twelve o'clock at night and quarrelin' over what's past and settled? I sha'n't do it, for one. I don't want to quarrel with you." Seth sighed. "And I don't want to quarrel with you, Emeline," he agreed. "As you say, there's no sense in it.

"They was both standin' abaft the mizzen," the mate began, "and I heard 'em quarrelin' about something. I went there, thinkin' to stop 'em if it was anything serious, and jest as I got near 'em I seen Mr. Parmalee up and hit Mr. Drew on the head with his cane. Then, before you could say Jack Robinson, Mr. Drew picked up Mr. Parmalee as if he had been a baby and threw him over the rail."

"Yes, miss," said Lizzie, halting and speaking unexpectedly. "They was a time when these rooms wuz all filled. Old Mr. Barcolm" this being the name of Mrs. Nelson's great uncle "had a many children and grandchildren an' seemed like he was sot on 'em all livin' with him. But they got to quarrelin' and all left th' old man an' he was so mad he cut 'em all out o' his will.

"Roy, I've got two girls sisters," replied Dale. The man Roy whistled softly under his breath. Then another lean, rangy form strode out of the darkness, and was met by Dale. "Now, boys how about Anson's gang?" queried Dale. "At Snowdrop, drinkin' an' quarrelin'. Reckon they'll leave there about daybreak," replied Roy. "How long have you been here?" "Mebbe a couple of hours." "Any horse go by?"