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This war Chief gave us a Chart in his way of the Missourie, he informed us of his intentions of going to war in the Spring against the Snake Indians we advised him to look back at the number of nations who had been distroyed by war, and reflect upon what he was about to do, observing if he wished the hapiness of his nation, he would be at peace with all, by that by being at peace and haveing plenty of goods amongst them & a free intercourse with those defenceless nations, they would get on easy terms a great Number of horses, and that nation would increas, if he went to war against those Defenceless people, he would displease his great father, and he would not receive that pertection & Care from him as other nations who listened to his word- This Chief who is a young man 26 yr. old replied that if his going to war against the Snake indians would be displeasing to us be would not go, he had horses enough.

The ropes were round their necks and they had been led to a tree. "See ef they'll do anymore house-burnin'!" cried one as the ends of the ropes were thrown over the limbs of the tree. "Reckon they'll like dancin' hemp a heap better," mocked a second. "Justice an' pertection!" yelled a third. "The mills of the gods grind swift enough in Barlow County," said the schoolmaster.

You coulda gone to some one and claimed pertection. You could uv appealed to the p'lice if worst came to worst !" "Oh! But Jane I couldn't! That would have brought our family into disgrace, and father would have felt so dreadfully about it if he had been alive! I couldn't quite bring myself, either, to go against his dying request.

I come and kneel at Thy feet believin' that I, a poor worm o' the dust, will still have Thy love and pertection. I'm old, an' weary o' waitin'. I'm humble, and bereft o' kin. I'm sad, and none to comfort me. I eat the crust o' poverty, an' drink the cup of humility.

"Gee!" exclaimed Rube Carter. "Never know'd th' Old Man make sich a long an' logical oration in me life before!" "You've got yer own remedy, however," resumed Gideon. "It's agin th' law fer Injuns ter come outer their reservations, same as Broken Feather an' his braves have been doin' lately. The hull thing 'ld be stopped if you'd only appeal t' th' law fer pertection."

"Ye talk like 'twar we-uns ez made up sech foolishness ez habeas corpus out'n our own heads," said Timothy. "I 'ain't never looked ter the law fur pertection. Hyar's the pertecter." He touched the trigger of his rifle and glanced reassuringly at his sister as he sat beside her on the plank laid as a seat from side to side of the wagon.

Whar I axe you air we to git somethin' to eat fer my command?" Bill had anticipated this. "I'll take keer o' that." Captain Wells rubbed his hands. "Of co'se, of co'se you are a soldier and a patriot you can afford to feed 'em as a slight return fer the pertection I shall give you and yourn." "Certainly," agreed Bill dryly, and with a prophetic stir of uneasiness. "Vehy vehy well.

"How come Smilin' Lou overlooked cleanin' yuh of your roll when he took mine, do yuh think? He was treatin' yuh white, an' givin' yuh a chance to come back strong next time that's why. They got so much on yuh now after to-night, that he knows you got just one chance to sidestep a stretch in the pen. That's to play the game with pertection.

Challenge me to a game of cat's cradle? Or does he want to settle the business at draughts, three best out o' five?" "Now you know dern well, Hen," said the other, as some of the listeners laughed loudly at Mr. Sherwood's sally, "that old Ged Raffer will never lock horns with you 'ceptin' it's in court, where he'll have the full pertection of the law, and a grain the best of it into the bargain."

They call it the 'Guardi-an, though it didn't seem to offer much pertection to them fellers ez was in it. In fact, it wasn't ez much a fight ez it orter hev been. It was rather monotonous for me." "But what's the row, Bill? What has happened?" I asked excitedly. "Nothin' to speak of, I tell ye," replied Yuba Bill reflectively.