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Updated: August 28, 2024

Gude-e'en to ye, Daddie Ratton they tauld me ye were hanged, man; or did ye get out o' John Dalgleish's hands like half-hangit Maggie Dickson?" "Whisht, ye daft jaud," said Ratcliffe, "and hear what's said to ye." "Wi' a' my heart, Ratton.

"No! ye'll no gang there at siccan a time." "Hands off, ye daft jaud," roared he, "or there'll be another deeth i' the toon." At the noise Jean Carnie ran in. "Let the ruffian go," cried she, in dismay. "Oh, Christie, dinna put your hand on a lion's mane." "Yes, I'll put my hand on his mane, ere I'll let him mak a beast o' himsel'."

Div a look like an English birkie, or ane o' the gentry? The other passengers, decent people, thus appealed to, murmured negatives, and shook their heads. Merton certainly did not resemble a policeman, an Englishman, or a gentleman. 'Ye see naebody lippens to ye, Merton went on. 'Man, if we were na a' freens, a wad gie ye a jaud atween yer twa een! But ye've been drinking. Tak anither sook!

I have kend the law this mony a year, and mony a thrawart job I hae had wi' her first and last; but the auld jaud is no sae ill as that comes to I aye fand her bark waur than her bite." "I would never have thought for a moment of staying in that auld gousty toom house," answered Ratcliffe, "but that use and wont had just gien me a fancy to the place, and I'm just expecting a bit post in't."

Noo, there's the filbert trees, ma friend, of whilk ane is male and the tither female; and the upshot e'en is, Andy, that de'il a pickle o' fruit ever the female produces until there's a braw halesome male tree planted in the same gerden. But, ou, man, Andy, wasna yon she and that bonnie jaud, Connor, that we met the noo? De'il be frae my laul, but I jalouse she's aff wi' him this vara nicht."

Na, she's a kind of a handsome jaud a kind o' gipsy," said the aunt, who had two sets of scales for men and women or perhaps it would be more fair to say that she had three, and the third and the most loaded was for girls. "How comes it that I never see her in church?" said Archie. "'Deed, and I believe she's in Glesgie with Clem and his wife. A heap good she's like to get of it!

I pity him, an auld, auld man; and his dochter had rin off wi' a Christian lad they ca' her Jessica, and didn't she steal his very diamond ring that his ain lass gied him when he was young, an' maybe no sae hard-hairted?" Jean Carnie. "Oh, the jaud! suppose he was a Jew, it was na her business to clean him oot." A young Fishwife. "Aweel, it was only a Jew body, that's my comfort." Christie.

"O ay, I ken a' about it it was a Hieland loon gied the letter to that lang-tongued jaud the gudewife there; I'll be sworn my maister ken'd naething about it. But he's wilfu' to gang up the hills and speak wi' Rob; and oh, sir, it wad be a charity just to send a wheen o' your red-coats to see him safe back to Glasgow again whether he will or no And ye can keep Mr.

"Just ill example, stir," replied the prisoner, "and a daft auld jaud of a mither, wi' reverence to your Grace's honour." "Why, God-a-mercy, my friend," replied the Duke, "take care of bad advice another time; I think you are not likely to commit treason on your own score. Make out his free pardon, and bring forward the rogue in the chair."

"Sir, the thieves didna stand upon particulars: they were halesale dealers in a' our best wares." "I mean, what passed between your mistress and you on the occasion?" "What passed, say ye? O, there wasna muckle: I was in a great passion, but she was dung doitrified a wee. When she gaed to put the key i' the door, up it flew to the fer wa'. 'Bless ye, jaud, what's the meaning o' this? quo she.

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