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For some little time his respect for the Duke of Hereward held his curiosity in check; but at length curiosity conquered respect, and he burst forth with: "That wad be an unco impudent claim, the hizzie Rose Cameron tried to set up agin your grace, as I hear all the folk say out by the jaud maunn be clear daft." "It would be charitable to suppose that she is 'daft, as you call it, landlord.

Dinna stan' there, laddie. The jaud 'll be watchin' ye like a cat watchin' a mouse. I ken her! She's a cat wuman, an' I canna bide her. Come awa' wi' me; I want a bit fish. I can ill eat an' her lyin' deid I' the hoose it winna gang ower; but I maun get some strength pitten intil me afore the berial. It's a God's mercy I wasna made wi' feelin's, or what wad hae come o' me!

Na, she's a kind of a handsome jaud a kind o' gipsy," said the aunt, who had two sets of scales for men and women or perhaps it would be more fair to say that she had three, and the third and the most loaded was for girls. "How comes it that I never see her in church?" said Archie. " 'Deed, and I believe she's in Glesgie with Clem and his wife. A heap good she's like to get of it!

Gude-e'en to ye, Daddie Ratton they tauld me ye were hanged, man; or did ye get out o' John Dalgleish's hands like half-hangit Maggie Dickson?" "Whisht, ye daft jaud," said Ratcliffe, "and hear what's said to ye." "Wi' a' my heart, Ratton.

"Maudge, ye jaud!" cried another voice, from the door of a poor woman's cottage.

"But ye're quite richt; I am some ill at ease." "I thocht as muckle. Has the fit o' Iris ca'd a hole i' the airch o' 't? Eh, man! man! Tak' to the mathemawtics and the anawtomy, and fling the conic sections an' the banes i' the face o' the bonny jaud Iris, I mean, man, no ither, lass or leddy." For Mr Cupples had feared, from the expression of Alec's face, that he had given him offence in return.

"An' what was 't she was efter, the jaud?" cried Miss Horn, without any attempt to conceal her growing interest. "She made naething o' 't, whatever it was; for doon the street cam the schuilmaister, an' chappit at the door, an gaed in an' waitit till ye came hame." "Weel!" said Miss Horn. But Mrs Mellis held her peace. "Weel!!?" repeated Miss Horn.

My benison on ye, me leddy! and my ban on yon hizzie, wha hae been makin' sic' an ado, ever sin the report o' your betrothal has been noised about!" said the dame. "But who are you talking about, my dear Mrs. Ross?" inquired Salome. "Ou just that handsom hizzie, Rosy Cameron, wha will hae it that she, her vera sel', is troth-plighted to our young laird the jaud!" replied the housekeeper.

"Yes, Rose Cameron. There have been such crowds of people on the island today to inspect the decorations, that I thought I thought " "As that handsome jaud might be amang 'em, me leddy? Ou, ay, and sae she waur! But when I caught her prowling about here, I sent Mr. McRath to warn her off the place, and threaten her wi' the constable gin she didna gang!" said the housekeeper.