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But me and yer father eh, weel we lo'ed her! for to hiz she was like oor ain Isy, ay, mair a dochter nor a servan wi'a braw lovin kin'ness in her, no to be luikit for frae ony son, and sic as we never had frae ony afore but oor ain Isy.

While this was being done Yuba Bill again drew Thatcher aside: "I allers suspected that chap's game eye, but I didn't somehow allow for anything like this. I reckoned it was only the square thing to look arter things gen'rally, and 'specially your traps. So, to purvent troubil, and keep things about ekal, ez he was goin' away, I sorter lifted this yer bag of hiz outer the tail board of his sleigh.

'Noo, Kirsty, said Phemy at last, 'ye maun tell me what he said whan ye loot him ken 'at I cudna win til him 'cause ye wudna lat me! 'He saidna muckle to that. I dinna think he had been sair missin ye. 'I see ye're no gaein to tell me the trowth, Kirsty! I ken by mysel he maun hae been missin me dreidfu'! 'Ye can jeedge nae man by yersel, Phemy. Men's no like hiz lass-fowk!

'I s' warran' he cares as little aboot hiz as we care aboot him. There's nae treason noo a-days. I carena wha hears what I say. 'For my pairt, said Mr. Peddie, 'I canna help wonnerin' gin it cud be oor auld frien' Mr. Faukener. 'Speyk o' the de'il said Mr. Lammie. 'Hoot! na, returned Peddie, interrupting. 'He wasna a'thegither the de'il. 'Haud the tongue o' ye, retorted Lammie.

"The Lord preserve 's!" cried Jean Mavor, with uplifted hands, when she saw them enter the kitchen. "He'll dee that, mem," returned Janet, with a smile. "But what can he dee? Gien ye be droont oot o' the hills, what's to come o' hiz i' the how? I wad ken that!" said Jean. "The watter's no up to yer door yet," remarked Janet.

He paused, stretched down his hand to the floor, lifted the mug, and drank a huge mouthful; then with a cough that sounded apologetic, set it down, and recommenced: "O Lord, I doobt there's nae houp for me, for the verra river o' the watter o' life wadna be guid to me wantin' a drap frae the boatle intil 't. It's the w'y wi' a' hiz 'at drinks.

We war sittin', auntie Jean an' mysel', i' the mids o' the room, no wi' oor backs til the bed, nor yet wi' oor faces, for we daurna turn aither o' them til't. I' the ae case, wha cud tell what we micht see, an' i' the ither, wha cud tell what micht be luikin' at hiz!

Nicht efter nicht has the tane or the tither o' hiz twa been sittin here aside her, lattin the hairst tak its chance, and i' the daytime lea'in 'maist a' to the men, me sleepin and they at their wark; and here the bonny cratur lyin, as quaiet as gien she had never seen tribble, for thirteen days, and no change past upon her, no more than on the three holy bairns i' the fiery furnace!

And ever sin syne he comes and gangs as he likes. And efter that be telled the minister to tell hiz 'at we was to lay aside the weicht that sae easy besets us, and rin. Noo by rin he maun hae meaned rin up, for a body's no to rin frae the deevil but resist him; and what is't that hauds onybody frae rinnin up the air but his feet? There!

'Dinna leemit the Almichty, wuman and that i' the verra moment whan he's been to hiz I wunna say mair gracious nor ord'nar, for that cudna be but whan he's latten us see a bit plainer nor common that he is gracious! The Lord o' mercy 'ill manage to luik efter the lammie he made, ae w'y or ither, there as here.