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Updated: October 6, 2024
But, miss, not feeling any how ekal to bid you good-bye in person after bringing you up by hand and doing for you these many years, I takes the liberty to write to you, miss, to say good-bye and God bless you, my beautiful angel, and I shall be to be found down at the old housen at the end of the drift as my pore husband left me, which is fortinately just empty, and p'raps you will come and see me at times, miss.
"I rather think you can take care of yourself, ma'am," he said. "You can bet your bottom dollar on that, stranger," said the woman, cheerfully. "Brown that's my husband knew what I was. We was ekal partners Brown and me and he knew too much to tread on me." "I'm glad I wasn't Brown," thought John Miles. "When I marry, it'll be a woman, and not a man in petticoats."
"I should say!" declared the first mate. "There ain't his ekal nowhere. I've sailed with him and I know." When the weather moderated and the schooner, after being tidied up, was plunging along with a double reefed fore and single reefed mainsail, and every one was breathing freely, Duff again thought of Ralph. "Poor fellow," said he to himself, "it's been tougher on him than any of us.
Now your real gentleman thinks most of them things that make men ekal, and t'other chap thinks most of what makes them unekal." "Hear, hear!" said Johnnie. "And what did Joey thay to that, Thwan?" "He didn't say much," answered Swan in his most pragmatical manner. It's dinner-time, Mr. Johnnie; will you pass me out my pipe? I don't say but what I may take a whiff while the dinner's dishing up."
Rainey's jaw muscles bunched. "Go on, Sandy," he said tersely. "There ain't much more, sir. They're goin' to put it up to Lund. First they figgered some on settin' him ashore with you an' the Jap. That's what Carlsen put up to 'em. But they warn't in favor of that. Said Lund found the gold, an' ought to have an ekal share with the rest.
He was clinging for dear life to his vanishing hope of happiness. He did not realize depreciation in his words only the facts that made them suited to each other. "Ye know ye wouldn't take l'arnin' at school an' I couldn't git it; 'pears ter me we air 'bout ekal." "It air a differ in a 'oman," said Theodosia, quickly. "A 'oman hev got no call to be l'arned like a man."
Valentine, besides that, and I thought I'd tell it her all at once." Valentine saw that he was expected to ask a question here. "What, Swanny, is something else coming off then?" "Ay, sir; you see, Mr. Melcombe, I'm lost here, I'm ekal to something better, Mr. Mortimer knows it as well as I do. He's said as much to me more than once.
We're born ekal into the world, and they'd keep us ekal, as far as might be. But it'd take a deal of workin' out, more than you'd think, lookin' at it first; but I'm not goin' to say that it wouldn't be handy to have a Socialist squire. He might divide his land ekal among us, and there'd be no more rent to pay for any of us. There now!"
"Yes," answered Valentine, with great decision; "she is all that and more, she is very affectionate, and has a good temper." If she thinks he's ekal to be her husband, she'll respect him as a wife should. Why, bless you, Maria, my dear, if you come to that, there's hardly a young man alive that's ekal to his young wife, whether she be gentle or simple. They're clean above us, most on 'em.
"Starry fighter, ain't he? Wonderful gift that way. Don't know as I ever saw his ekal at a pinch." He looked up at the lad, swaying above him. "Feel funny?" The boy did not reply, leaning against the side, a far-away look in his eyes. Then he burst into tears. "There, there!" said the old man soothingly. "Sure to come a bit okkud-like first start-off.
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