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Updated: September 15, 2024
Perhaps it will be better up there." "Wuss," he insisted, with a most mournful shake of the head, "a dinged sight wuss. Ephriam said es how the further north ye wint, the tougher it got.
Martin held him back. "Wait until dark," said the settler. "You are fairly safe here, and it would be foolhardy to expose yourself." "Do you think we will win out?" asked the lad, anxiously. "I do, but it is going to be a tougher struggle than any of us expected."
They were at one in their integrity, independence, fighting force at stress, and their command of winged words; but the elder had a softer heart, more love of letters, a broader spirit; the younger more power to stem adverse tides, he was a better man of business, made of tougher clay, and a grimmer Calvinist. "Mr.
Valbrand's men crashed away through bush and bramble; and the chief's following threw themselves, like jubilant swimmers, into the sea of undergrowth. Now, waist-high in thorny bushes, they tore their way through by sheer force of strength. Now they stepped high over a network of low-lying vines, ankle-bonds tougher than walrus hide.
Then cutting in twain his antagonist's bow, Arjuna rushed at the king of the Panchalas, but Satyajit, quickly taking up a tougher bow, pierced with his arrows Partha, his chariot, charioteer, and horses. Arjuna, thus assailed in battle by the Panchala warrior, forgave not his foe. Then Satyajit, finding his bows repeatedly cut in twain and his horses slain, desisted from the fight.
"Alas! Master Christie," said the matron, "that you should talk to a lone woman in such a fashion, and death in the house besides!" "Lone woman! why, that is the very reason thou shouldst take a mate. Thy old friend is dead, why, good choose thou another of somewhat tougher frame, and that will not die of the pip like a young chicken.
With great speed also, at a time when speed was of the utmost consequence, the Kuru hero then pierced Satyaki with five and twenty shafts, and once again with ten. Then Satyaki, taking up a tougher bow, quickly pierced Somadatta with five shafts. With another broad-headed arrow, Satyaki also, O king, smiling the while, cut off the golden standard of Valhika's son.
As cellulose usually surrounds nutritive material of vegetable origin, it must be softened and loosened sufficiently by cooking to permit the nutritive material to be dissolved by the digestive juices. Then, too, in old vegetables, there is more starch and the cellulose is harder and tougher, just as an old tree is much harder than a sapling.
You will find it tougher work when you get up by the Sixty Mile, but you have the best boatmen in the world, and will get through all right. Will you say good-by?" Though she already had herself in hand, she looked at him hopelessly. "If if if Winapie should " She quavered and stopped. But he grasped the unspoken thought, and answered, "Yes."
As the column reached the open space by the quay, it deployed into line of companies, a movement capitally executed. The men were bigger and tougher than those of the French Line. Their uniform was similar, except that they had wings to their capotes instead of worsted epaulettes. All wore mountain-shoes, but were not hampered with tenting equipage on their knapsacks.
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