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Better make it a quarter earlier, it's bad walking to-night." "David, please," coaxed Carol. "Goosie! Who but a wife would make an invalid of a man because he sneezes?" David laughed, and Carol said no more. But a few minutes later, as she was carefully arranging a soft fur hat over her hair and David stood patiently holding her coat, there came a light tap at the door. "It is Mr.

"Betty is wonderful, isn't she, darling?" Mary said. "But, Em, you don't think there is any truth in it, do you? Mother would be so horribly shocked if there was anything like one of Betty's plays in the family, wouldn't she? And Tristram would never allow it either!" "Of course not, you goosie," answered Emily.

"I think you are a goosie," said Judy with a little laugh, then she caught hold of Anne with impatient hands. "Come on in, little red bird," she urged, "it's lovely in the water." Anne squealed and struggled, and finally waded in until the water came up to her knees. "Don't take me any farther, Judy," she begged, and when Judy saw her frightened face, she let her go.

"Well, and is your uncle the canon's garden more sacred than any one else's garden?" questioned Panoria flippantly. "What a goosie you are to ask that! Of course it is," declared Eliza. "But why?" Panoria persisted. "Why?" echoed Eliza; "just because it is. It is the garden of my great uncle the Canon Lucien; that is why." "It is, because it is! That is nothing," Panoria protested.

"Oh, what a big derrick! How many quarts of oil does that pump in a day, Uncle Dick?" Mr. Gordon laughed heartily. "Little Miss Tenderfoot!" he teased. "I thought you knew, goosie, that we measured oil by barrels. That well is flowing slightly over five thousand barrels a day. Altogether our wells are now yielding well over fifty thousand barrels of oil a day."

"Not if he's a tame one," says I. "But how can you tell he ain't wild? And there comes a whirry-buzzin' noise." "Yes," says she. "A motor coming down the macadam. There, it's turned into our road! Perhaps someone coming to see us, Goosie." Sure enough, it was. A minute later Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellins were givin' us the hail out front.

I didn't say I would, and I never meant to; and you may ask my father if I can get it off my finger without sawing the bone in two." "Indeed!" replied Dotty, poising her head backward with queenly dignity; "indeed!" "I didn't tell a story," said Jennie, uneasily. "I should think any goosie might know people wouldn't give away jewels just for putting your foot out."

"I wonder if it's very deep," said Veronica, peering into the water from a safe distance away from the edge. "Shall I dive in and find out?" asked Sahwah. "Oh, don't, don't," said Veronica, catching hold of her arm. "Don't worry, you precious old goosie," said Sahwah, laughing. "I didn't mean really. I was only in fun. Did you think I was going in with my clothes on?

But I can't write like your cousin Helen," she added, jealously. "No matter. You'll do; and you will be growing older and constantly improving and I shall begin to travel for the house by and by and my letters will be as entertaining as a book of travels." "Will you write to me? I didn't think of that." "Goosie!" he laughed, giving her Linnet's pet name.

"Oh, but English is so easy to bluff in!" I exclaimed, "almost any string of words will do if the teacher asks for a discussion of a tendency or of nature or vocabulary or poetic form or something. Didn't you make a try at some sort of an answer?" "I said I didn't know," sobbed Martha, "and I didn't. My thoughts were all mixed up and I couldn't remember a line." "You goosie!" I was disgusted.