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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Nobody but me and Percy," said Johnny, pulling Dotty's ears to attract her attention. "Only a jack-o'-lantern, you dear little ducky," cried Percy. "A pumpkin, you goosie," said Johnny. No reply, but a sudden choking, followed by convulsive sobs. Whether the child heard and understood what was said to her, Percy could not determine.

"That child is not canny," she muttered, while aloud she chided her for idleness and untidiness in having thrown her cap on the floor. But Halcyone flung her arms round Priscilla's neck and laughed in her beard. "Oh, you dear old goosie! I have been with the Immortals on the blue peaks of Olympus and there we did not wear caps!" "Them Immortals!" said Priscilla.

They were to start at three, and promptly at that hour Marcus drew up at the door. Eager to start, the girls were all waiting in the hall, when Arabella drawled: "Every one wait while I go and get my shawls." She darted up the stairs, Patricia calling after her: "Your shawls, goosie! Why you're wearing two coats and a sweater now." "What did Arabella say?" asked Betty Chase.

One March morning, Goosie's mother was hanging out the washing on a shed roof before she left for the factory. Five-year-old Goosie was trotting at her heels handing her clothes pins, when he was suddenly blown off the roof by the high wind into the alley below.

"But doesn't it vex them very much to get such letters? What if they should find it out? And if you don't at all care for them, why do it at all?" "Why, for the fun of the thing, goosie. Angry? No. They do the same thing themselves. Will Piper sent Kate Price and me letters that were exactly the same, word for word: we compared them. That is where I got the idea. Splendid one, isn't it?

Colonel Boucher had to take his bull-dogs for a run and walk off the excitement of the party; Piggy and Goosie explained to their mother that nobody was going to sing, and by silvery laughter tried to drown her just indignation, and presently Lucia had the agony of seeing Mrs Quantock seated on one of the thrones, that had been designed for much worthier ends, and Peppino sitting in the other, while a few guests drifted about the lawn with all the purposelessness of autumn leaves.

One of the most piteous revelations of the futility of the latter attempt came to me through the mother of "Goosie," as the children for years called a little boy who, because he was brought to the nursery wrapped up in his mother's shawl, always had his hair filled with the down and small feathers from the feather brush factory where she worked.

"Archie isn't invited, you old goosie, and he would be as much out of place in Max's house as Uncle Ephraim Tipple would be in Parliament." "But they would be glad to see him if you took him. He is just the age now when a boy gets impressions which last him through " "Yes, the gawky and stumble-over-things age! Piano-stools, rugs, anything that comes in his way.

It depends on whose house you get into, you know." Flossy's sober face cleared in an instant. "So it does," she said. "Marion, I have a nice plan, but I shall not tell you a bit about it to-night. Good-bye." "Oh, the dear blessed little goosie!" Marion said, laughing immoderately as the door closed after Flossy. "Now, I know as well as if she told me, that she is going to beguile Mr.

And so I read, at the foot of gorgeously-illuminated pages, how "Henny Penny and Ducky Lucky got started for the fair, When Goosie Poosie and Turkey Lurkey went out to view the air," etc., the range of characters swiftly widening as the narrative increased in power. To my surprise, the mature child listened to this nonsense with the utmost gravity and interest.

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