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Then she'd git around, mostly 'bout noon, wi' her shower o' ha'r trailin' like a rain o' gold-dust, an' a natty sort o' silk fixin' which she called a 'dressin'-gown, an' she'd sot right down an' eat the vittles, tellin' me o' things she wanted done as she'd fergot.

The captain's surprise and indignation were so great that he sat bolt upright. Then he sank back with a groan. "Blame that foot!" he growled. "I fergot all about it. An' no wonder. To think that John hasn't asked ye to marry him. What in thunder has he been doin', then?" Before the girl could reply, the women returned, and in a few minutes she and Mrs. Hampton left the house.

She ain't one to fergit easy." He laughed again. "I ken see clear through Eve. If Will was dead, in six months she'd marry agin. D'ye know who? Jim Thorpe. She's jest a fool gal. She's allus liked Jim a heap. That night's stickin' in her head. She ain't fergot Jim nor you. Say, d'you know what she's doin'? When Will sends her money she sets it aside an' don't touch it.

Mebby she give him a present, and he slipped it in there and fergot to take it out when he sent it to us. But then it would have come out in the wash. She don't seem to feel so bad as he does jest sorter stubborn about it." The members of the household were put through the third degree, but each declared his innocence in the matter.

The patient Angy somewhat tartly retorted, that during the last week she had spent even more time upon Father's wardrobe than she had upon her own; while Abe inwardly rejoiced to think that for seven days to come seven whole days he and Angy would be free from the surveillance of the sisters. Mrs. Homan, in no way nonplussed, boomed on: "Thar, I most fergot about his necktie.

W'y, 'yn't Hi halmost learnt me letters off from bundle carts an' 'oardings? M, he, hay, t that spells 'beef. The bobby on hour beat, 'e told me, an' Hi 'yn't fergot a mite. T, haych, he, hay, t, r, he, spells 'show. 'E told me that, too. Hi 'yn't one as would st'y hignorant, Hi 'yn't." "Fer Gawd's sake!" said the officer, entirely nonplussed by this display of the girl's erudition.

What is it ye think ye see?" "His face, I tell ye! Don't I know? It's all green and ghastly, with snaky flames playin' about it! But I know; fifteen years, an' I ain't fergot." He sank down feebly sank until he was on his knees, his head craned forward. The man watching touched the miserable, hunched-up figure compassionately, and it shook beneath his hand, endeavoring to shrink away.

I worked fer so much, an' I see I got it. I didn't ask no more, an' I guess I didn't want. That's all right. Then you got blind an' you changed round. That's where the rub come. I was no better than the rest to you. You fergot everything that had gone. You fergot I was a square dealin' man by you, an' since that time I've been dirt under your feet.

He had to find out, anyway, you see, so it was just as well for him to do so this morning." "So ye waited until I got on shore, eh? H'm, I guess all gals are alike, as sly as a weasel. As soon as the old man was out of the way, you two became very chummy. Fergot everything else most likely. It's a wonder ye weren't paradin' up an' down the deck."

Oh, I fergot Martha, Sam, an' another pair of twins." "It is no wonder you find it hard to remember how many you have," Jean replied. "It must take a great deal to feed and clothe such a large family." "Indeed it does, Miss, an' that's why I'm cookin' here. I'm not as young as I used to be, so can't stand heavy work. But, then, I wouldn't like to lose one of me little ones.