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"I don't hone fer nothin' else ter look at when you're hyar," he assured her. "But when you hain't hyar I loves ter look at ther old tree." "Ther old tree," she replied after him, half guiltily; "I've been so worrited, I'd nigh fergot hit."

You're jest a lazy, loafin', dirty bum as 'ud make mud out of a fifty-gallon bath o' boilin' soapsuds if you was set in it, but you was mighty sore seein' pore Zip kicked to death by his rotten luck. An' feelin' that always you kind o' fergot to be tired. That's why you're on this doggone trail. 'Cos your fool heart ain't as dirty as your carkis."

He stared at Abe with burning eyes, but Abe only insisted sullenly: "Whar yew an' Blossy been all this time?" "Dew yew mean ter tell me, Abe Rose, that yew didn't know that Aunt Nancy forbid Blossy the house 'cause she didn't go an' ask her permission ter git spliced? Oh, I fergot," he added. "Yew'd gone up-stairs ter take a nap that day we come back from the minister's." Abraham flushed.

Nellie will wonder what has become of us." "Not yet, sir, not yet!" cried Mrs. Stickles. "You must have a cup of tea first. The water is bilin', an' it'll be ready in a jiffy. Did ye give Midnight any hay?" she demanded, turning to Bennie. "Oh, ma!" came the reply. "I fergot all about it." "There now, it's jist like ye.

"Sure thing, Cap; know this yere kintry like a buk. 'Jaded horsemen from the west, at evening to the castle pressed. By gum, you put Beelzebub an' me through a blamed hard jolt of it so fur." "Beelzebub?" "Ye bet, ther muel; I reckon as how ye ain't gone an' fergot him, hev ye?" and the little man squirmed in the delight of his vivid recollection.

It was before you was married, an' I'm sure he never told ye, fer I don't doubt he fergot all about it, but your husband, Billy P. Cullom, that was, made a small investment once on a time, yes, ma'am, he did, an' in his kind of careless way it jest slipped his mind. The amount of cap'tal he put in wa'n't large, but the rate of int'rist was uncommon high.

"'Now, Solomon, I doan want you ter say a wo'd ter nobody 'bout meetin' me heah, but I wants you ter slip up ter de house, en fetch me some clo's en some shoes, I fergot ter tell you dat a man rob' me back yander on de road en swap' clo's wid me widout axin' me whuther er no, but you neenter say nuffin 'bout dat, nuther.

"'Tain't about your claim I need to talk," Bill said, after a brief pause. His voice was less harsh, and there was an unusual thoughtfulness in its tone. "It's it's Say, Zip, I ain't fergot our talk out there on the trail." He nodded his head out in the direction of Spawn City. "You mind that talk when you was puttin' up that fool proposition o' handin' James that kid?"

"All right, skipper," said Pete, rising to his great height and wiping his mouth with the back of his huge hand. "But wait! I almost fergot this!" He unpinned the pocket of his waistcoat and drew forth the flimsy sheet of paper that he had picked up when Templeton had mistakenly tried to serve him. Briefly he told the skipper its history and handed it to him.

"Fergot him? No, God knows I ain't fergot him! But come in, sir, an' tell me somethin' mo' about him." Warwick went in, and as the woman closed the door after him, he threw a glance round the room. In the middle of the room an octagonal centre-table with a single leg, terminating in three sprawling feet, held a collection of curiously shaped sea-shells.