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"That sure don't sound too bad," he declared. "But wot about 'em gettin' cold? Takin' all that dirt off sudden, y'see " "He's dosed 'em wi' cough cure," broke in Toby. "Sure," agreed Sunny. "I'd fergot Say" he turned to the doorway and craned towards it "here's here's Wild Bill coming along." Toby promptly scrambled up from the door-sill and made way for the Trust president.

Well, 'tain't de fust time we'uns hev borrowed a hoss an' fergot to return 'im, but we'uns never struck so high up as de Jedge's stock. What hosses air you thinkin' on?" Wiles: "What ones do you suppose? De best ones, o' course. We'uns must take Velox for de money he will bring in Paducky, an' I want to bring down de pride o' dat young upstart, George LeMonde.

"So Jeff went up ter de big house, en pleas' Mars' Dugal' en ole mis' en de res' er de fambly so well dat dey all got ter lackin' 'im fus'rate; en dey 'd 'a' fergot all 'bout Hannibal, ef it had n' be'n fer de bad repo'ts w'at come up fum de qua'ters 'bout 'im fer a mont' er so.

I have no right to interfere. Was there any mail for me?" "Yep. I almost fergot to fork it over. Here's one from your mother, I figger. This is from your sister, an' here's one from your your sweetheart, I reckon. I deduce all this by sizin' up the " and he went on to tell how he reached his conclusions, all of which were wrong. They were invitations to social affairs in Boston.

Kind o' funny like! I picked ut up on th' local yistiddy afternoon. I wuz goin' t' turn ut int' th' agint, but I clean fergot ut. I guess them papers may be valible. I never touched none of 'em." Talbot snatched the bill-book and hastily examined the contents. His brow relaxed and he was grumbling something about a reward when Billie reappeared, laboriously dragging two baskets.

Had any human possibility of a break for freedom presented itself he would have embraced it, but the three guns had the look of business and the three faces back of them were flinty with purpose. As the locks snapped into the grooves of the bracelets the telegrapher commented in sardonic afterthought. "Ther revenuer fergot ter leave ther key.

The panacea she applied to all ailments, moral or physical, was a counter-irritant. "Mis' Squeerington!" she ventured finally. "I hope you ain't fergot that it's Saturday mornin' an' you'd orter row the grocery man. He's a cortion, that's what he is, a-sendin' us Mis' Ivy's ribs, an' Mis' Logan's liver. It ain't a decent way to treat a old customer, an' he orter be told so.

The old man looked pensively at one foot and then at the other, as if speculating on the probable damage from such a catastrophe. "I'm sure I dunno," he said plaintively. "Forrester 'peared to think I ought to come; he tole me why, but I vum I've fergot." He took off his hat and gazed into it searchingly, as if the idea that had mysteriously escaped from his brain might have lodged in the crown.

"It's Susie, an' I fergot all about them cows!" The neglected cattle had been having a fine time roving at will wherever their fancy led. They had left the uninviting rectory grounds and were revelling in their master's turnip patch when discovered by Mrs. Jukes.

Mars Marrabo sent 'im ober ter dis yer plantation one day wid a bundle er cotton-sacks fer Mars Dugal, an' wiles he wuz ober yere, de ole Debbil sent a' 'oman w'at had cas' her eyes on 'im an' knowed his weakness, fer ter temp' po' Ben wid some licker. Mars Whiskey wuz right dere an' Mars Marrabo wuz a mile erway, an' so Ben minded Mars Whiskey an' fergot 'bout Mars Marrabo.