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Next morning the prince came early to the garden, and found the ox busy with the waterwheel. 'Has the girl appeared yet? he asked. 'Not yet; but she will not be long. Hide yourself in the branches of that tree, and you will soon see her. The prince did as he was told, and scarcely was he seated when the maiden threw open the lattice. 'Good morning, O daughter of Buk Ettemsuch! said the ox.

But before he let her go the ogre called her to him, and said, 'Be careful, girl, never to speak to the prince; and when he speaks to you, you must be dumb, unless he swears "by the head of Buk Ettemsuch." Then you may speak. 'Very well, answered the girl.

Their descendants inhabit the Great Isle of Flatland at the present day. They are good and strong; great hunters and warriors. The first forefather lived long, till he became white and blind. His power and wisdom lay in a little strange thing which he called `buk. How it made him strong or wise no one can tell, but so it was. His name was Makitok. When he died he gave buk to his eldest son.

At the word from Sveggum the White Ren set off with a couple of bounds that threw Borgrevinck back in the pulk. This angered him, but he swallowed his wrath on seeing that it left the horse-sleigh behind. He shook the line, shouted, and the Buk settled down to a long, swinging trot. His broad hoofs clicked double at every stride.

All day she wept, and when the ogre came home at night, no supper was ready for him. 'What are you crying for? said he. 'Where is my supper, and is it you who have opened the upper chamber? 'Yes, I opened it, answered she. 'And what did the ox say to you? 'He said, "Good morning, O daughter of Buk Ettemsuch.

And she did so; and lived ever after with her daughter in happiness and content. The Daughter Of Buk Ettemsuch Once upon a time there lived a man who had seven daughters.

So they sent to the prince and said, 'Come quickly, and bury your wife. 'Bury her yourselves, he answered. 'What did she do it for? It was not by my orders that she impaled herself on the stake. So they buried her; and in the evening the prince came to the daughter of Buk Ettemsuch, and said to her, 'Speak to me, or I shall have to take another wife. But she was afraid to speak to him.

The Nystuen trip had failed, thanks to the speed of the White Buk. Borgrevinck must get to Bergen before word of this, or all would be lost. There was only one way, to be sure of getting there before any one else. Possibly word had already gone from Laersdalsoren.

He held back till they came to the turn above the woods at Maristuen; then he quit the road, and up the river flat he sped the Buk, a farther way, but the only way to bring them there ahead.

I took the hint at once: the Indian who had come up to the fort was a great man that was evident; I walked on with a majestic air, gathered up the velvet reins, and sprung into the magnificent high- peaked saddle. "Buk, buk," said I. "It is good. In the name of the forty-nine Imaums, let us ride on."