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Next morning the prince came early to the garden, and found the ox busy with the waterwheel. 'Has the girl appeared yet? he asked. 'Not yet; but she will not be long. Hide yourself in the branches of that tree, and you will soon see her. The prince did as he was told, and scarcely was he seated when the maiden threw open the lattice. 'Good morning, O daughter of Buk Ettemsuch! said the ox.

And so on the Monday following the waterwheel was set going and the new machinery began to work. The number of hands at the mill was reduced by nearly one half, while the amount of cloth turned out each week was quadrupled. The machinery had all the latest improvements, and was excellently arranged. Mr.

The steamer's destination was telegraphed from waterwheel to waterwheel, and the villagers stopped out and put to according.

Such places are common enough in the south of Europe, but seldom on so grand a scale as one finds them in this country, where the floods come down from the hills with astounding suddenness and violence. Mr. L. had experience of this one day, when he had got inside his waterwheel, to inspect its condition, the water being securely shut off, as he thought.

Through the laths of the gate they might have caught a glimpse of the riot of colour there, and they might have seen the slaves arrested by the Persian waterwheel at which they had been toiling and chanting until the call to prayer had come to strike them into statues. Sakr-el-Bahr rose from his devotions, uttered a sharp word of command, and entered the house.

A friend of mine wanted me to get him one and I volunteered to do so. I supposed that we would hear waterwheels just as soon as we got off the ship. But I was evidently mistaken. Nobody in Java, so far as I could discover, had ever seen or heard of a Javanese waterwheel. I inquired of dozens of people people who had lived there all their lives but they looked blank when I spoke of waterwheels.

Whereupon the man flogged on the horses, but they slipped about after so strange a fashion that our guards with the pitchforks fell back, and my child cried aloud for fear; and when we were come to the place where the great waterwheel turned just below us, the driver fell with his horse, which broke one of its legs.

If the new waterwheel is built in a month without oppression, thou, O Sheikh, shalt be named one of the judges to judge the pah-peaz at the Sha-ho. Is it understood?" "Understood. We will build the wheel. I and my seed are responsible for the repayment of the loan. Where are my pah-peaz? If they eat fowls, must they on any account eat the feathers?" "On no account must they eat the feathers.

I drew pictures of it, but that didn't enlighten them. Finally in despair, after a week of vain searching, I drew the plans for a waterwheel and had it made. And I am taking it home with me, hoping that it may make music. Next year, owing to the demand I created for waterwheels, I suppose the Javanese will start making them for the tourist trade.

Great wooden waterwheels are also used and an ox or donkey or man or woman or a blinded camel will go round and round and you can hear this wooden wheel squeak for a mile. The little buckets on the waterwheel keep an almost endless stream flowing into the irrigation ditch. Another method is a sort of a paddle wheel on a windlass upon which a native will walk hour after hour.