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Updated: September 24, 2024

"Because I was playin' with May Dashwood, father." "Was that a good reason for neglecting your dooty?" demanded Ned, shaking his head reproachfully, yet smiling in spite of himself. "Iss, father," replied the boy boldly. "You're wrong, Fred. No doubt you might have had a worse reason, but play is not a good reason for neglect of dooty.

Prince Hal don't rush up an' mingle with Hotspur; he's playin' a system an' he don't deviate tharfrom. lie stands off about fifty yards, callin' Hotspur names, an' waitin' for Falstaff to arrive. "An' thar's a by-play gets pulled off.

If you'd been minded to help Ferguson a little, instead of actin' like a fool because you've thought he's took a shine to Mary Radford, we might have been further along with them rustlers. As it is, Ferguson's been playin' a lone hand. But he claims to have been doin' somethin'. He ain't been in the habit of blowin' his own horn, an' I reckon we can rely on what he says.

She twined her hands and her eyes were wild. "We can't leave him to be killed," she gasped. "It's the only game. We're playin' for time, remember. Besides, he won't be killed. Great Scott!" As he spoke, a sudden explosion cleft the drone of the wind and a patch of gloom flashed into yellow light. "Bomb!" he cried. "Lord, I might have thought of that." The girl had sprung back from the window.

Afterwards he made a couch for her on the floor before the fire, two skins and a golden cushion, a rug of dull blue which he threw over her, hiding the ugly skirt and boots. He took a violin from the wall and tuned it, Joan watching him with all her eyes. "I don't like what you're playin' now," she told him, impersonally and gently. "I'm tuning up."

Say, the day that fixes up the things we been talkin' sees you with me and another masters of this mill an' all it means. And while you're playin' your hand there's one big fat salary for you to draw. This house and office is yours, an' me an' the mill's ready to do all we know all the time, just the way you need it.

When he's playin' off fer good he's as soft an' sweet as a dandy in Picadilly, an' when he's real he's like a devil in hell." "Was you a prisoner or did you sail under him?" "Both, fer the matter o' thet. He give me the choice ter serve, er walk the plank. I wus eighteen, an' hed an ol' mother at Deal." "I see; but later you got away?" "Ay, I did thet," chuckling over the recollection.

I don't say I didn't let him down crool, playin' into his hands and pretendin' to help and gettin' Captain Mike as a witness, but the fac' remains he got you aboard this hooker by foul play, shanghaied you were, and then you turns the tables on him, knocks the stuffin' out of him and turns him into a deck hand. How's he to complain?

Senator Langdon, sir, is one of the few men in Washington who would rather be thought a fool than a grafter if it came down to that." The Mayor of Gulf City jumped to his feet, his face blazing in rage, not in shame. "Seems to me yo're mighty fresh, young man," he blustered. "What kind of politics is Langdon playin'?" "Not fresh, Colonel; only friendly.

"He's sittin' in that room across the hall right now " "What's he doin'?" "Playin' poker," muttered the old cattleman grimly, "with Doc. Carpy and Harry Tenison." In strict point of fact, Laramie had left the room across the hall and at that particular moment was sitting down for a late supper at Belle Shockley's whither Sawdy and Lefever had dragged him from the hotel. Carpy had come with them.

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