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This from Hardy, who was almost as much moved himself. "Fake nothing! We'll go down to the telegraph office and make sure it's 0. K. Won't this make a bully story for the World 'Shanghaied' in big letters across the top, and underneath a red hot roast of the old city hall gang's methods of trying to defeat the will of the people." Rawson laughed aloud as his imagination pictured the story.

You know what he said last time, Charley, when the motor-cycle cop chased you down an embankment." "Honey, if my old man was to carry out every threat he utters, I'd be disinherited, murdered, hong-konged, shanghaied, and cremated every day in the year." "I got to go now, Charley." "Not let a fellow even spin you home?"

"Ef she topples, I'll git to heaven quicker'n a bullet." When one is shanghaied, however, in the hands of buccaneers, it is too late to withdraw. Six shoulders upheld the rear end of the Petrel, others shoved, and Thomas Jefferson's rickety horse began to move forward in spite of himself.

Reynolds," replied the captain mildly; "you know that I am a plain man, just a simple, seafaring old codger and am greatly afeared of being shanghaied ashore by some of the villains that reside there." The lawyer threw back his head and laughed harshly.

Captain Green himself wiped out this expectation. He jocosely intimated to Farnum one afternoon that he had no intention of calling the Islands. "When we get through this six months' cruise you'll be a first-rate sailorman, son, and you'll get a sailorman's wages," he added genially. The shanghaied man met his eye squarely.

"So we've got some of your chums who have been shanghaied?" queried the captain, when Jack had finished his recital. "It looks that way, Captain," Jack announced. "Well, what are you going to do about it?" inquired the master of the sailing vessel in a tone intended to be severe.

"Well, well!" commented the big man. "You seem to be a dangerous character. What are you doing aboard my ship?" "These fellows chased me, and I went to a boarding master to get a ship. They followed and were shanghaied with me though I do not see why he drugged me, Sir; I was willing to ship."

Now, I do not wish to idealize those stiffs. No use saying they were honest workingmen kidnaped to sea. They were not. They were just what the mates called them dogs, scum, vile sweeps of jail and boozing-ken. With the single exception of the shanghaied parson, there was not a decent man in the lot. Bums and crooks, all. These men had lived violent, lawless lives ashore.

"Persuaded!" he exploded, "A dam' queer notion of persuasion. Shanghaied, I call it. Ran me to earth at the club at five o'clock, and we sailed at eight. If my man hadn't been fond of the sea and keen on the trip himself, I should have left America for a cruise round the world in the clothes I stood up in and Jermyn's duds would be about as useful to me as a suit of reach-me-downs off the line.

"What's wrong, Johann," asked the captain, "are you sea-sick already?" He had noticed my expression as he walked by. "No, sir!" "If you are, it isn't anything to be ashamed of. I've known old sea-captains who got sea-sick every time they put out of port." There was a running forward. The shanghaied man hove in sight, on the rampage again. He came racing aft. "I must speak with the captain."