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"But, Jerry, what would gypsies want with an old lady like Aunt Abigail? I thought they only stole babies." "Yes, and they come back after a while and claim their fathers' estates," chimed in Amy hysterically. Jerry would have liked to be consoling, but did not see his way clear to that end. He accordingly observed that real gypsies would steal anything they could lay their hands on.

"A Cornish knight," cried Mrs. Montgomery, clapping her hands with genuine glee. "And sixty years into the bargain," chimed in Evelyn. "You are rather severe, my dear," said Mrs. Verne, addressing her daughter in a somewhat petulant tone, then turning to her sister added, "Evelyn wishes to imply that Sir George is sixty. I can't see that he ought to pass for an old man.

"Ay!" chimed in her husband, apparently in good humor. "He's the nerviest fellow ever I met, Eloise. Sacre! had you hunted this province over you could never have found one to perform better work this night. I wonder how it was you chanced upon him?"

A roar of laughter on deck announced that Bob Lumsden had found something quite to his taste. "First-rate ha! ha! I wonder if it's all true." "Hold your noise there," cried Hawkson; "who d'ee think can learn off a hymn wi' you shoutin' like a bo'sun's mate an' Duffy snortin' like a grampus?" "Ah, just so," chimed in Stubley, looking up from his board. "Why don't you let it out, David?

"Yes," interposed the Gunnery Lieutenant, with a sudden access of enthusiasm. "Let's ask 'em. Where's the Navy List?" He flung a tattered Navy List on the table and pored over it. "Hear, hear!" chimed in the Engineer Lieutenant-Commander. "Let's be a band of brothers, an' all drinks down to the mess the whole evening." The mess generally began to consider the project.

'When conjecture ran wild, when the most extravagant suspicions were afloat, when half a dozen innocent people might have been laid by the heels any hour in the day! said Mortimer, almost warming. 'Hah! Mr Riderhood chimed in, as before. 'Warn't I troubled in my mind through it all!

"Heard what?" asked Lucy; and her companion replied: "Why, Ada Harcourt is going to be married. Miss Carson is making her the most beautiful traveling dress, with silk hat to match " "Besides three or four elegant silk dresses," chimed in another. "And the most charming morning-gown you ever saw apple green, and dark green, striped and lined with pink silk," rejoined a third.

Within lay four lines of writing no more no address, no signature; simply the words: "It matters now how strait the gate, How charged with punishment the scroll; I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." He stared at the lines. Eleven o'clock twelve one chimed the deep-voiced clock without, before Alwyn went to bed. Miss Wynn had kept a vigil almost as long.

"I mean what I said ten thousand," declared Tom. "If this crew of pirates lets you and Frank get away without sharing the spoils, I'll never sail with them again; so there!" "Nor I," declared Jack. "Nor I," stoutly agreed Harry. "Nor I," chimed in Arnold. "Rowdy isn't saying a word."

A clock somewhere about the scene of devastation chimed midnight, and a man with attractive black eyes, who had been monopolizing his hostess upward of two hours, outstaying all other guests save one, now took his belated leave. "Yes; I prophesy a brilliant season, Mrs. Shelby," he said. "With a woman of your talents in this house, Albany must at last awake."