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"Now, how can I tell, you silly boy. I have been writing to my lawyer about my engagement to Mr. Braddock. I daresay he has told you." "Yes," chimed in Miss Kendal, "and we came here to congratulate you, only to find the mummy." "Is that the horrid thing?" Mrs. Jasher stared with all her eyes, and timidly touched the hard green-stained wood. "It's the case the mummy is inside."

Just as I got the words out o' my mouth who comes a-stalking in but Gale Morgan. The minute he seen me, he lit on me to beat the band called me everything he could lay his tongue to. I let on I was drunk, but that didn't help. He ordered me off the premises. 'N' the worst of it was, Nan chimed right in and began to scold Bunny for lettin' me in and leaves the room, quick-like.

He says this Preacher Bonds feels a special call to fight holiness. I tell you, brethering, if we could get him here we would make it hot for old Benton and his bunch." "We would that," Jones chimed in. "Brother Gramps, why don't you write and ask Preacher Bonds to come?" suggested Brown. "Although the other two members of the Board are not here, I think we just as well go ahead."

Varax himself lay dead upon the field, too fortunate not to survive his disgrace. It was hardly more than daylight on that dull January morning; nine o'clock had scarce chimed from the old brick steeples of Turnhout, yet two thousand Spaniards had fallen before the blows of eight hundred Netherlanders, and there were five hundred prisoners beside.

I've done my share." "That's right," chimed in some of his cronies, including Nick Johnson. "It was an accident, anyhow," the latter added. "An avoidable accident," put in Bruce quietly. "You are lucky it was no worse, Heller. Tom might have been seriously injured." "A miss is as good as a mile," quoted someone. "Better give him a lift back, Sam. I'll walk."

How she did it nobody knew; but men left the prettiest creatures for her; and she ruined us, I think, at the rate of a score a month." "Like Loto," chimed in the Tirailleur. "Loto has not a shred of beauty. She is a big, angular, raw-boned Normande, with a rough voice and a villainous patois; but to be well with Loto is to have achieved distinction at once.

But for once they're right, mother Hephzy; I shall never disbelieve in ghosts again. Oh, the horror of it it was awful," and the girl gave a shudder of genuine horror. "And could you see through 'em?" asked the old lady, in a tone of suppressed excitement. "No, mother," chimed in Prudence, leaving the dressing-table and seating herself on the patchwork coverlet of the bed.

Though, of course, it's up to you, and if you don't like our looks you've only to say so and we'll never trouble you again." "Speak out!" chimed in the other girl, who was quite as vivacious as her sister. "We're not a bit stupid, and we can take the slightest hint.

He leant one elbow upon the mantel-piece, resuming his story: "St. Paul's had just chimed the half-hour half-past ten when my pipe went out. Before I had time to re-light it, came the damnable smell again. At the moment nothing was farther from my mind, and I jumped up with an exclamation of disgust. It seemed to be growing stronger and stronger. I got my pipe alight quickly.

"Oh, I know he doesn't let him say much yet, but he hasn't jumped up to go into the house once since those first two or three times, an' that's somethin'. An' what's more, he let Keith stay a whole minute at the gate talkin' yesterday!" she finished in triumph. "Yes, an' the best of it is," chimed in Susan, "it's helpin' Keith Burton hisself jest as much as 'tis John McGuire.