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"That's right," chimed in the Clark boys, whose sensibilities had likewise been harassed; and with all the world against him Bill Lightfoot retired in a huff to his blankets. So the rodéo ended as it had begun, in disaster, bickering, and bad blood, and no man rightly knew from whence their misfortune came.

"Oh, well," returned the first newspaper man to get up there beside the boy, "you can tell us, as well as anyone, about your trip down the coast and the way you slipped in here." "And also," chimed in another, "you're the young man who came straight up through the water when she was beneath the surface?" Eph admitted that he was.

Besides," he added, with true brotherly blindness, "it's you Ranald wants. At least he talks enough about you." "Yes, auntie, do go! It will be lovely," chimed in Maimie, with suspicious heartiness. So, with many protestations, Mrs. Murray took her place beside Ranald and was whirled off like the wind.

From the lower hall the clock chimed one with musical vibrations. Edith leaned forward with her chin on her hand, driving her thoughts into a definite path. The curtains stirred in a breeze from the out-of-doors whose domain swept with country greenness and adventitious care away from the window under the high brilliance of the sun.

For, remember, comrades," and the old man well-nigh exploded with his mathematical calculation, and the grandeur of his own recollections, "remember you this: I never left the great Napoleon!" "Ah, yes," another aged veteran chimed in; "ah, yes; he was a great man." Old Nonesuch clapped his hand to his ear.

"What I'd like to know is where she got all that money of hers," piped an old man, with a mottled complexion and bleary eyes. "Sure enough; where'd she get it?" chimed in half a dozen voices at once. "She's Andrew Bolton's daughter," said the first speaker. "And she's been setting up for a fine lady, doing stunts for charity.

In a week the old cottage organ that had felt the touch of Liddy's childish fingers learning the scale, was keeping company with the tall clock in the attic, and in its place stood a piano. In the sitting-room a new clock that chimed the hours and halves ticked on the mantel.

"And Aggy's," chimed in Eddie. "Yes no one must touch that," said Junkie. "Quite right, boys," said Jackman; "besides, milk is not good for quenching thirst." On search being made, it was found that water had not been brought with them, so that the thirsty rowers had to rest content without it. "Is that Eagle Cliff I see, just over the knoll there?" asked Barret.

Grove's to-day!" said Clara, when they were gathered for the talk. "I think that kitchens are pleasanter to sit in than parlors and school-rooms." "So do I," chimed in Edith; "but I was afraid about the crickets at first. I thought we'd have to hold 'em in our hands, and I didn't like that." Why would people always laugh when there was nothing to laugh at?

He not stay quiet in de chimbly corner and let Sudden 'Federacy stole 'em." "Dem's my theology, Miss Ellis," chimed in Uncle Sam, rising and standing in the midst of the dark group assembled near the door. "I'se for savin' de horses."