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"Well, if you feel tempted to give the old gentleman the double cross and tell me, why I'll lock myself up in the doghouse till he gives you the starting pistol," I chimed in. "Who is that dragging the works out of the clock in the sitting room?" "It isn't any such thing!" Peaches exclaimed indignantly.

His sentiments chimed in very well with mine; and what particularly delighted me in his work was, that I received a more favorable notion of many heretics, who had been hitherto represented to me as mad or impious. The spirit of contradiction and the love of paradoxes are inherent in us all.

A feeling of pity stung me; I ran into the house, and found them on the point of departure, with little bundles in their hands. "Aunt Mercy will let me carry your bundles a part of the way for you; shall I?" "No, indeed," said Ruth, in a mild voice; "there's no heft in them; they are mites to carry." "Besides," chimed Sally, "you couldn't be trusted with them." "Are they worth anything?"

Whoop!" chimed in Trinidad and began to execute a pas seul in the middle of the room, dropping into a chair just in time to avoid running into Nick, who hurriedly returned with two glasses and a bottle. "Help yourselves, boys," he said; which they did to the accompaniment of a succession of joyous yells from Trinidad.

The clock chimed twelve, and still the poor washerwoman smoothed and folded, though her heavy eyes almost refused to keep open, and the room began to feel the chill of the frosty air outside. "Erik sha'n't want for anything while I have two arms to work for him," she said to herself; and went on until the iron fell from her tired hand, and she sank back in her chair in a deep sleep.

This being so, it was not surprising to find that ere he reached it he stumbled and fell several times, until at last Sir Thomas took pity upon him and told him to desist. "I would stand, my good man," he said, "rather than thou should'st break thy neck, or I might lay upon some of this soft straw for the nonce." "A prison bed," chimed in Sir George.

We'll all go. We'll be outdoor girls down where there's no winter!" "It sounds enticing," murmured Grace, who did not like the cold weather. "Think of orange blossoms " "And brides!" completed Betty. "Oh, girls!" "Silly!" chimed in Mollie. "Is Mrs. Stonington very ill?" asked Betty. "You said something about her going down there." "She is not at all well," spoke Amy.

Don't precipitate matters; you can make your health an excuse to miss the Autumn session." Lady Valleys chimed in eagerly "You really are seeing the thing out of all proportion. What is a love-affair. My dear boy, do you suppose for a moment anyone would think the worse of you, even if they knew? And really not a soul need know." "It has not occurred to me to consider what they would think."

But for 699 there even appeared as candidate for the consulship Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, whose election it was difficult to prevent owing to his influence in the capital and his colossal wealth, and who, it was sufficiently well known, would not be content with a concealed opposition. The comitia thus rebelled; and the senate chimed in.

"Oh, he hasn't really done anything of the kind," chimed in old Deleglise in his rich, sweet voice. "He made that all up. It's just his fun; he's full of humour." "I am inclined to think that would be his idea of a joke," asserted the first speaker.