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Then he fills the kettle with water, dumps in the coffee, an' sets her on the coals to stew. "'This yere partic'lar snake, says Crawfish, 'which I calls him Julius Caesar, is too big to tote 'round in my shirt, an' so he lives in the coffee-pot while I'm away, an' keeps camp for me. "'Don't you yearn for no rattlesnakes to fondle? I inquires, jest to see what kyard he'd play.

"My rifle?" "No. Your pistol." "That suits me. I am too delicate to tote a rifle around on my shoulder all day." "Be back early, and do not go far away," ordered the professor. "Shoot off a rifle if you want us before we get back," suggested Tad. "Which way are you going?" asked Ned. "South. Which way do you go?" "I guess we will go west if you are going south.

"John Jay," she called, "what you doing', chile?" "Heah I is, Mammy," he answered. "I'se jus' takin' keer o' the chillun!" "That's right, honey, I've got somethin' mighty good in my basket fo' we all's suppah. Hurry up now, an' tote in some kin'lin' wood." Never had John Jay sprung to obey as he did then. He shivered when he thought of his narrow escape.

But when he came down the slope to the little group, his mouth was like a thin gash across his lean jaws. He stared coldly at Ashton between narrowed lids. "Want me to help tote him up by the fire?" he asked. "No!" she replied. "It is Tom! He is down there his leg broken and no food! You must go down to him." "Go down?" queried the puncher. "What good would that do?

"I don't quite follow you," observed Mr Meldrum. "Why, when they come across a rapid in the river, they jest tote up their canoes and carry 'em along the bank, or through the forest sometimes, till they gits to whar the stream runs free agin, when they floats 'em and sails along as slick as you please!" "Exactly," said Mr Meldrum, "you have just hit what I wished to describe.

"Do you know, I wish I could read better 'n I can!" he said suddenly, leaning almost eagerly toward Father Brochet. "She knows I ain't great shucks at that. She's goin' to have a school just as soon as she comes, an' I'm goin' to be the scholar. She's got a packful of books an' magazines an' I'm goin' to tote over a fresh load every winter. I'd like to surprise her. Can't you help me to "

"We'll not leave you, captain," Rod stoutly protested. "You're soaked with water, and you'll get a bad cold if you stay here. We'll carry you home." "Carry me!" the captain exclaimed in surprise. "Yez couldn't tote a heavy log like me all that distance." "We're going to try, anyway. We're scouts, remember, and you have often told us what to do in a case like this.

If they are weak in such decisions, they are regarded as weak in general; and if very weak, other persons must assume responsibility for them and "tote" them through life. On the other hand, if they are strong, they are classed as sensible persons, and they "get on" well. Children distinguish themselves as balanced and sensible, just as adults do, simply because they are wise in measuring values.

To Hilda's answer, "Yes, if you please," in faltering English, Melissa cried, in ecstasy, "Don' she speak pretty! Now, Bud, you tote in the lady's trunk, 'n then go. She's tired." And the usually timid country girl entered into her new rôle of care-taker with extraordinary zest. Friedrich approached his sister-in-law. "Good-night," he said. "You will be quite safe. Have no fear."

Now, thahs Jake Simmons, a lazy, no-'count skunk whut won't even tote in a back log to keep his fambly frum freezin'. He's got religion ha'f a dozen times, an' teks on a leetle crazier ev'ry time.