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And then, in cold tones, she continued: 'Nay, mother; I've hed enugh o' life. I tell thee I've come wom' to dee. 'Amanda, sobbed the mother, 'if thaa taks on like that thaa'll kill me. Thaa's welly done for me a'ready, but I con live naa thaa's come back, if thaa'll nobbud live an' o', and live wi' me. Sit thee daan. It's thi cheer, Amanda; awlus wor, and awlus will be. Sit thee daan.

'Yi, lass, but I've fun mi heart, and he again clasped his startled wife, and grew young in his caresses. 'I thought thaa kept thi luv for Captain, Moses. But I durnd mind goin' hawves wi' th' owd dog. I awlus said that a chap as could luv a dog hed summat good abaat him somewhere and thaa's luved Captain sum weel. 'And others a deal too little, lass.

And as I sat on th' bench i' th' garden same bench as yo' saw me sittin' on this afternoon my missis coome to th' dur, and hoo said, "Enoch, what doesto think?" "Nay, lass," I said, "I durnd know." "Why," hoo says, "I think as thaa's fotched aar Joe daan fro' heaven to hear thee playin'; he seems nearer to me naa nor he ever did sin' he left us." And so, ever afterwards, Mr.

But the crooning old woman heeded him not. With eyes fixed on the fire she continued to read the horoscope of the past: 'We were some happy, those first years, I can tell thee. Then little Billy wor born. Poor little Billy! Thaa's been a good lad, Jim, but I often think what a good un little Billy would ha' been if he'd lived! But he deed. Ay! I con remember it as though it were nobbud yesterneet.

A woman once said to him, "Aye, Abe, I like' to hear the' preach." "Bless th' Lord for that," responded Abe. "But," continued she, "I many a toime wonders where thaa gets all th' sense from, and haa thaa foinds t' words to say, for thaa's niver been to college, nor ony place loike that." "Who says I wor niver at college?" he replied.

It's saved thee to me; it's kept mi heart warm, and it's kept that lamp leeted every neet for five year. And then, seeing tears slowly stealing down her daughter's face, the old woman said: 'I think we mud as weel put th' leet aat naa thaa's comed wom', 'Manda? and as the girl gave no more evidence of resistance, the mother went to the window, turned down the lamp, and drew the blind, saying, 'He's answered mi prayers.

'Good lad! good lad! find him! sobbed Oliver to his dog; and the brute again whined and wagged its tail and ran round and between the legs of the men. 'There's naught here, impatiently cried Amos. I'll tak' a dog's word agen thine ony day, owd lad, said Moses. 'Well, thaa's no need to be so fond o' th' dog. It once welly worried thi dog, and thee into th' bargain.

'No, aw hevn't, but aw'm a deal nearer nor aw wur when he first laft me. An' doesto know, lass, aw feel misel to be gettin' so near naa that aw can welly yer him singin'. There's nobbud a step or two naa, and then we's be i' th' same raam. 'An' is th' Almeety baan to mak' me climb as mony steps as thaa's climbed afore I ged into th' same raam as He's takken little Job too, thinksto? 'Ey, lass.

As the mourners returned, chilled by the winter's blast, sleek Moses Fletcher crossed their path, an old woman flinging at him the words: 'Thaa's had th' uttermost farthin', but thaa's God to square wi' yet. Moses Fletcher was suffering from what the doctor called 'nervous shock, with sundry wounds of a severe nature received in an attempt to rescue his dog in a canine mêlée.

Aw durnd know; but whether thaa's to climb mony or few thaa'll hev strength gien thee, as aw hev. 'Aw wish God's other room wurnd so far off, Gronny nobbud t'other side o' th' wall instead o' th' story aboon. Durnd yo'? 'Nay, lass; they're safer upstairs. Thaa knows He put's 'em aat o' harm's way. 'But aw somehaa think aw could ha' takken care o' little Job a bit longer.