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Penrose, a woman's as deep as th' Longridge pit shaft. 'Well, thaa's never rued o'er joinin' Rehoboth, Malachi. 'I've never rued o'er weddin' thee, lass; an' aw think if thaa'd gone to a wur place nor Rehoboth aw should ha' followed thee. Leastways, I shouldn't ha' liked thee to 'a' tempted me. 'But thaa's not tell'd him all, Malachi. 'Nowe, lass, aw hevn't, but aw will.

'Thaa's more Scripture larning abaat thee nor I thought thaa had, said Amos, withdrawing his wrinkled face from the depths of a can out of which he was drinking tea. 'But it's noan knowledge 'at saves, Dan; th' devils believe and tremble. 'But I noan tremble, Amos; I geet too mich brimstone i' yon fire hoile to be flayed at what yo' say is "resarved" for them as isn't called.

Now and again she sobbed in her slumber a sob that shook her soul but she slept, and sleep brought peace and oblivion. 'Sleep on, lass, sleep on, and God ease thi poor heart, said the old Granny, as she held the woman's hand in hers. 'Thaa's hed both thi travails naa; thaa's travailed i' birth, and thaa's travailed i' deeath, like mony a poor soul afore thee.

How well she remembered the night when the old woman, taking up the Bible, read out aloud: 'The promise is unto you, and to your children, afterwards clinching the words by saying: 'Thaa sees, Miriam, thaas noan in it, for thaa's no childer'; and how, when she gently protested, 'But is not the promise to all that are afar off? the elect sister of the church and daughter of God destroyed her one ray of hope by saying: 'Yi! but only to as mony as the Lord aar God shall co. And Matt poor Matt across whom the cold shadow had so long lain, and which, despite his love of her, would creep now and again like a cloud over the sunshine of his face Matt, too, would be redeemed from his long disappointment, and renewed in strength as he saw a purpose in his life's struggle, even the welfare of his posterity.

'Nay, noan so, Gronny. God cornd love Job better nor I loved him. 'But he willn't ged crushed in a coile seam i' heaven; naa, lass, will he? 'Thaa's reet, Gronny, he willn't. But if He mak's us work here, why does He kill us o'er th' job, as he's killed mi little lad? 'Thaa mun ax Mr. Penrose that, lass; I'm no scholard. 'Aw'll tell thee what it is, Gronny.

Durnd look on th' grass so mich. Thaa's no need to be ashamed o' showing thi face there's noan so mony at's better lookin' leastways, I've sin noan. Miriam was silent; but as Matt's hand stole gently into hers, and she felt the warm touch of his grasp, her heart leapt, and its pent-up burden found outlet in a sob.

I'm noan come wom' to be kissed nor forgiven. I've nobbud come wom' to dee. 'What saysto, lass? exclaimed Mrs. Stott. 'Come wom' to dee? Nay, thaa's bin deead long enugh a'ready; it's time thaa begun to live, and thank God thaa's come back to live at wom'. The girl shook her head, a stony stare in her eye, her mouth drawn into a hard and immobile line.

"Yes," said Abe, as he pretended to push something into his mouth. "What's matter with th'?" the father inquired; "thaa's not like theesen, nor hasn't been for mony a week." Abe's eyes grew moist, and his chin trembled, but he called himself to order, no babyism now.

'Yi; bud I were no hypocrite abaat it, for aw told her aw should never be a Calvin, an' aw never have bin. Doesto remember what thaa said, Betty, when aw tell'd thee aw should never be a Calvin? 'Nay, aw forget, lad; it's so long sin'. 'Bud aw haven't forgetten. Thaa said, "Never mind, thaa's no need to tell mi faither that; thaa can keep it to thisel." Aw'll tell yo' what, Mr.