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Updated: January 19, 2025

XI. Though SIN at first its rage dissemble may, 'Twill soon upon thee as a lion prey; 'Twill roar, 'twill rend, 'twill tear, 'twill kill out- right, Its living death will gnaw thee day and night: Thy pleasures now to paws and teeth it turns, In thee its tickling lusts, like brimstone burns. Wherefore beware, and keep it out of door, Lest it should on thee as a lion roar.

If he knew of the strong indignation expressed toward him a little while before, by some of the very men now excited with liquor, his own free drinking had extinguished fear. "Yes, curse him!" was the answer. "If they have a particularly hot corner 'away down below, I hope he's made its acquaintance before this." "Most likely he's smelled brimstone," chuckled the judge. "Smelled it!

Truth is lovely, and if the doctrine of eternal punishment, with all the fire and brimstone that has ever been preached by the most zealous advocates of torment be truth, your hypothesis compels you to embrace the goddess, and contemplate eternal misery with the same pleasure that you do non-existence, or with the same you would everlasting felicity did you believe in it!

"Well, no, nothing, except that I've been up Vesuvius." Lord Hawbury gave a long whistle. "And how did you find the mountain?" he asked; "lively?" "Rather so. In fact, infernally so," added Dacres, thoughtfully. "Look here, Hawbury, do you detect any smell of sulphur about me?" "Sulphur! What in the name of sulphur! Why, now that you mention it, I do notice something of a brimstone smell. Sulphur!

If I must hang, I would wish it to be in somewhat a better rope than the string of a lady's hussey. 'Are you, too, turning dastard, Maxwell? said Redgauntlet, in a whisper. 'Not I, said Maxwell; 'let us fight for it, and let them win and wear us; but to be betrayed by a brimstone like that'

But, behold, he doth again begin to see his own nakedness, and he perceives that the law is whetting his axe. As for the world, he perceives it is a bubble; he also smells the smell of brimstone, for God hath scattered it upon his tabernacle, and it begins to burn within him. I am ensnared. My first sight of things was true. I see it is so again.

Must seem queer to you to be so near the headquarters of everything your uncle thinks is wicked. Smell of brimstone any, does it?" she asked with a smile. "No, I haven't noticed it. You've got a lot of cleaning to do. I wish I could help. Look at the mud on the floor." Keziah looked. "Mud?" she exclaimed. "Why, so 'tis! How in the world did that come here? Wet feet, sure's you're born.

He laughed and laughed, while the match he had just lighted flared, sent up a blue thread of brimstone smoke, licked along the white wood and scorched his fingers painfully before he remembered his cigarette. Miss Satterly turned abruptly and went into the house, put on her hat and took up the little, tin lard-pail in which her aunt Meeker always packed her lunch.

Spurgeon says that everywhere in hell will be written the words "for ever." They will be branded on every wave of flame, they will be forged in every link of every chain, they will be seen in every lurid flash of brimstone everywhere will be those words "for ever." Everybody will be yelling and screaming them. Just think of that picture of the mercy and justice of the eternal Father of us all.

The burgher immediately drew from his pocket a small ivory box, containing three pieces of metal, of the colour of brimstone, and extremely heavy; and assured Helvetius, that of them he could make as much as twenty tons of gold.

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