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Updated: January 10, 2025
Meantime Keziah, installed as head nurse at the shanty, was having her troubles. The minister was getting better, slowly but surely getting better. The danger of brain fever was at an end, but he was very weak and must not be excited, so the doctor said. He knew nothing of the struggle for and against him which was splitting Trumet in twain, and care was taken that he should not know it.
Then back he comes again with 'Then why can't you? At last, bein' frightened, as I said, that he might have another shock or somethin', I said I'd think it over and come away and left him. And I come straight to you. Keziah, what shall I do? What can you say to help me?" Keziah was silent. She was looking, not at her companion, but at the carpet center of one of the braided rugs on the floor.
All day long, moreover, Samantha and Keziah and Pamela seemed to find themselves wonderfully busy, one way and another, so that they paid even less attention than usual to any of the ins and outs of their brother. Dabney was therefore able, with little difficulty, to take for himself whatever of odd time he might require for putting his new idea into execution. Mrs.
Septimius, for so he should be called, and how have flourished his studies of late? The scientific world may look for great fruits from that decoction of his." "He'll never equal Aunt Keziah for herb-drinks," said an old woman, smoking her pipe in the corner, "though I think likely he'll make a good doctor enough by and by. Poor Kezzy, she took a drop too much of her mixture, after all.
I'm agoin' to, so you needn't say no. And perhaps I'll have heard somethin' about Cap'n Nat and Grace by that time." She brought the medicine, and the minister promptly, on her departure, handed it over to Keziah, who disposed of it just as promptly. "What did I do with it?" repeated the housekeeper. "Well, I'll tell you. I was kind of curious to see what 'twas like, so I took a teaspoonful.
As for Grace, it was sometime before that young lady became coherent. "He DID look so funny!" she gasped. "Hopping up and down on that shaky chair and holding on to that pipe and and O Aunt Keziah, if you could have seen your face when I opened that door!" "Yes; well, I will say you was sometime gettin' it open. And then, on top of the whole fool business, in parades Elkanah Daniels and "
You're kindly welcome to Monk Grange, but you're only a haverel to look at. Take a seat, and tell me how's Emmanuel, my brother?" "He was well when I saw him the day before yesterday: at least he said nothing to the contrary," answered Alick with his conscientious literalness. "I like that," said Keziah, also eying him, but as a colley might have eyed a strange sheep, not a wolf.
For a young lady, supposed to be a devout Come-Outer, to hurry along the main road, a handkerchief at her mouth and her eyes sparkling with fun, was a circumstance calculated to furnish material for enjoyable scandal. And Didama missed it. Other happenings she missed, also. Not knowing of Captain Daniels's call upon Keziah, she was deprived of the pleasure of wonder at the length of his stay.
You don't know, Aunt Keziah. Nobody knows but me." "Maybe I do, Gracie, dear; maybe I do. Maybe I understand better'n you think I do. And it's all been for the best. You'll think so, too, one of these days. It seems hard now; it is awful hard, you poor thing, but it's all for the best, I'm sure. Best for everyone. It's a mercy he went sudden and rational, same as he did.
The little company filed out of the cemetery, and Captain Eben Hammond was but a memory in Trumet. Keziah lingered to speak a word with Grace. The girl, looking very white and worn, leaned on the arm of Captain Nat, whose big body acted as a buffer between her and over-sympathetic Come-Outers. Mrs. Coffin silently held out both hands and Grace took them eagerly.
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