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Updated: September 21, 2024

I was flaid that if he had a drop too mich he'd happen lose his footing on the plank-bridge at the town-end, and then the spate would tak him off his feet and drown him. I offered to walk wi' him down to the public and bide wi' him while he wanted to come back; but he said he reckoned he were owd enough to do wi'out a nuss-maid and told me to mind my own business.

In that silence both heard a voice a little voice preludious of the music of heaven, and they peopled the light which haloed them with a presence, childlike and pure. Then it was that Miriam looked up at her husband and said: 'Th' promise is not brokken, thaa sees, after all. It's to us and to aar childer, for all thi mother hes said so mich abaat it.

Sie haben mich betrügen. I want you to take the ticket back and return me the money. What you say can I not understand." He expostulated, gesticulated, and fumed, but I kept up the bombardment until he had to surrender. He motioned to me to step round into the office, where he took the ticket and returned the money.

Thither in, 1834 went one mail per week, from Niles, Mich., on horseback. In 1833 it was incorporated as a town, having 175 houses and 550 inhabitants. That year it began publishing a newspaper and organized two churches. In 1837 it was a city, with 4,170 inhabitants. The Territory of Iowa had in 1836, 10,500 inhabitants; in 1840, 43,000. At this time Wisconsin had 31,000.

Nothing would satisfy the people but that he should speak at once, so he rose to his feet amid the hearty clapping of the whole audience, and said, "I niver knew so mich of th' trials of missionary wark in my loife as I do naa.

If there were any all-embracing harmony, one soul through all, he did not see it. Knowles that old skeptic believed in it, and called it Love. Even Goethe himself, what was it he said? "Der Allumfasser, der Allerhalter, fasst und erhält er nicht dich, mich, sich selbst?"

Frances Rastall, recently appointed State congressional chairman by the National Association, organized a congressional committee in every county. At the convention in Rochester June 11, 12, 1913, Mrs. Emily Chaffee of Detroit, Mich., and many State speakers made addresses. Mrs. Julia Pierce, the State president, handsomely entertained speakers and delegates at her home. At St.

ALA. Woman's Missionary Association, Secretary, Mrs. G.W. Andrews, Talladega, Ala. OHIO. Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. Flora K. Regal, Oberlin, Ohio. IND. Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.H. Rogers, Michigan City, Ind. ILL. Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs. C.H. Taintor, 151 Washington St., Chicago, Ill. MICH. Woman's Home Miss. Union, Secretary, Mrs.

Wednesday fortnight is the end of it; that is, it gives me four days after that to reach Vienna. 'And presenting yourself in humble guise before your colonel, to say, "Ich melde mich gehorsamst." 'Not exactly that but something like it.

Then he said slowly: "I can't say as I sees anything much out of the common about it, so far, Mr Fortescue. The wind's dropped a bit more than's quite usual, certainly; but I don't know as there's very mich in that. And then there's this here thickness o' the hatmosphere well, that may or may not mean somethin', but I don't see anything alarmin' about it just yet. Why d'ye ask the question, sir?

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