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And all this time perfect silence had to be kept, and but for the intense desire to give good account of the junks, the men would soon have been fast asleep. "Do you think they will come down and try to put to sea, Ching?" I said at last, very wearily. "Yes, allee 'flaid Queen Victolia's jolly sailor boy come steam up liver and send boat up cleek, fight and burn junks. Come down velly quick."

Mean big junk going sail mollow morning, and pilate go long way wait for them." "Why? Couldn't they stay here and wait?" "No; silk-tea-ship see pilate junk waiting for them, and come out lit' way and go back again. 'Flaid to sail away." "Yes, that sounds reasonable," said Mr Brooke thoughtfully.

The rudder was not so badly damaged as they had at first supposed; the break was easily mended, but it was found necessary for one of the men to go over the side. "Get over the side here, Jim," commanded Moran. "Charlie, tell him what's wanted; we can't work the pintle in from the deck." But Charlie shook his head. "Him no likee go; him plenty much flaid." Moran ripped out an oath.

"Ho!" exclaimed Ram-stam, looking up from the weapon he was engaged on with an amused expression, "you know noting of pirits of dem seas. Hi! Hi! Wait." Ram-stam said this with the air of one who held the decided opinion that when he had waited Joe would have his views enlarged. "What, are they such bold fellows?" "Ho yis, vely muchee bold. Ca'es for noting. 'Flaid of noting.

"The fellow who posted this notice was disguised in a wolfskin so that he could sneak up to the house unnoticed by the Chinaman, or, if seen, he would make a bluff at scaring Song." "Stella, you're a wonder." "Say, Song, you no likee wolf?" "No, me plenty flaid wolf," answered the Chinaman, shaking his head violently. "All right, Song. I givee you shotgun. Next time you see wolf, plenty shoot.

An' nows an' thens a gert white ullet would coom fleein' through t' boughs, an' all t' time there were lile bats flutterin' about ower t' watter an' coomin' so close agean Doed they ommost brushed his face wi' their wings. "Doed was wellnigh flaid to deeath, but for all that he couldn't tak his een off o' t' squirrels; they'd bewitched him, had t' squirrels.

"Make muchee noisee," he said, indicating the fleeing musicians with his thumb. "Allee same muchee flaid noisee," and then his round face dimpled into another laugh. The scene from the outside was even more imposing than that which greeted the eye within the brilliantly lighted enclosure.

You mean killee get dollar?" "Yes." "Allee light. Plenty bad men evelywhere. Captain going kill pilate?" "If we can catch them," I said. "Yes, velly hard catchee catchee. Captain never catchee in ship. Pilate allee lun away. 'Flaid of big gun. Get two big junk, put plenty sailor boy where pilate can't see. Then pilate come along kill and burnee. Junk steal all along.

"Make muchee noisee," he said, indicating the fleeing musicians with his thumb. "Allee samee muchee flaid noisee," and then his round face dimpled into another laugh. The scene from the outside was even more imposing than that which greeted the eye within the brilliantly lighted enclosure.

Go and tell Hop Joy to put up some grub for you. You had better camp on the plains to-night, so you won't be able to shoot your food." Delighted at the thought of going on a hunting trip, the boys hurried away to the Chinaman. "Golly! You boyee go shootee?" exclaimed the celestial when he had received the orders to pack their food. "No flaid ghostee?" "Of course not," replied Horace.

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