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But something in the dying evening, in the roar of the river, in their very embrace warned them that her words fell short of life, and George whispered: "Or did she mean it?" "Mean what?" "Signorino, domani faremo uno giro " Lucy bent forward and said with gentleness: "Lascia, prego, lascia. Siamo sposati." "Scusi tanto, signora," he replied in tones as gentle and whipped up his horse.

A flush crept over Tony's face and his mouth took a straighter line as he continued to gaze down on the roof of Villa Rosa. His reflections were presently interrupted by a knock. He turned and threw the door open with a fling. 'Well? he inquired. Gustavo took a step backward. 'Scusi, signore, but zay are eating ze dessart and in five ten minutes ze omnibus will arrive.

A small and bashful boy was clinging to his mother's skirts, taking, perhaps, his first impressions of the great world. "Scusi, Signorina!" It was Nanni, stepping across Pietro's gondola to get ashore. May looked up and her eyes met those of the gondolier. "Prego," she answered, and there was a gentle courtesy in her voice, and a kindness in her eyes, that would have been grateful to any man.

"What are you doing with that bird?" he thought himself authorized to inquire. The thief looked about him a moment, and perceiving himself detected, handed back the cage with a cool "La scusi!"

To remember on the instant whether one is addressing equals, superiors, or inferiors, and to marshal hastily the proper pronoun, adds a new terror to conversation, so that I find myself constantly searching my memory to decide whether it shall be: Scusate or Scusi, Avanti or Passi, A rivederci or Addio, Che cosa dite? or Che coma dice? Quanto domandate? or Quanto domanda? Dove andate? or Dove va?

'Scusi, signore, I no understand. 'Just sit down, Gustavo, it makes me nervous to see you standing all the time. I can't be comfortable, you know, unless everybody else is comfortable. Now pay strict attention and see if you can grasp my meaning. Gustavo dubiously accepted the edge of the indicated chair; he wished to humour the signore's mood, however incomprehensible that mood might be.

Tony sprang to his feet with an air of anxiety. 'Scusi, signorina. I have not meant to be presumptious. Perhaps it is not fitting that any one below the rank of lieutenant should sit in your presence? 'It will not be very long, Tony, before you are discharged for impertinence. 'Ah, signorina, do not say that! If it is your wish I will kneel when I address you.

Whereupon the parroco insisted with heat that there could be no true philosophy outside the Church. The Contessa laughed and turned upon the young man a flashing and formidable eye. 'Let the Church add a little patriotism to her philosophy, Father, she will find it better appreciated. Don Teodoro straightened to the blow. 'I am a Roman, Eccellenza you also Scusi!

When she woke up she knew that it had been Sawston. At about nine o'clock next morning Perfetta went out on to the loggia, not to look at the view, but to throw some dirty water at it. "Scusi tanto!" she wailed, for the water spattered a tall young lady who had for some time been tapping at the lower door. "Is Signor Carella in?" the young lady asked.

'I used to be, signorina; now I am only poor donkey-man. 'I shall never speak to you again. You can climb as many mountains as you wish with my father, but you can't have anything more to do with me. 'Scusi, signorina. I I did not mean to. It was just an accident, signorina. Constance turned her back and stared at the road. 'It was not my fault. Truly it was not my fault.