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Updated: August 14, 2024

"The floor of the room was blacker nor ink, because that is pale sometimes; and the utenshils, oh, if the fire didn't purify 'em now and ag'in, all the scrubbin' in the world wouldn't, they was past that. Whenever the door was opened, in run the pigs, and the old woman hobbled round arter them, bangin' them with a fryin' pan, till she seemed out o' breath.

There was five in the scrubbin' squad, includin' the second mate, a pie-faced Swede by the name of Nelse; and, while they seems mighty busy with pails and mops and brass polishers, I notice they all manages to drift over to our side of the yacht. You couldn't exactly accuse them of wearin' grins, but they did look as though something amusin' had occurred recent.

"Hi s'y!" she cried, and dashed into the gloomy cubby-hole. "Wot's this? You scrubbin'? Drop it, now, you 'ear? Hit 'yn't fer me to show no disrespeck, Frowline, but drop it. Hi 'yn't a-goin' to have them pretty 'ands hall spoilt." "But, M'riarrr, I just love to scrub." "Don't love hanythink so vulgar," M'riar replied without a moment's hesitation.

"An' I been doin' plain cookin' an' heavy sweepin' and hard scrubbin' ever since I was knee-high to a toadstool!" Bobby burst out laughing. "So have I, Lizzie!" she cried. "Only I have done it for Father Tom and my kid brothers and sisters when Mrs. Betsey was sick." Lily Pendleton turned up her nose literally. "We're going to have trouble with that girl," she announced to Nellie.

I could make no answer to such highly scientific statements, and in a few moments a knock was heard at the door, upon which our handmaiden precipitated herself. "Come right in," she said. "Don't take notice if yer boots is muddy fer I'll be scrubbin' th' floor ter-morrer.

She thought you might be able" Christie got no further, for C. Wilkins put out a strong bare arm, still damp, and gently drew her in, saying, with the same motherly tone as when addressing her children, "Come right in, dear, and don't mind the clutter things is in. I'm givin' the children their Sat'day scrubbin', and they will slop and kite 'round, no matter ef I do spank 'em."

"Them nurses, I mean, sir. They loves to 'awe them them young 'Vaddies, as we call them V. A. D., you know, sir. They keeps 'em a 'oppin' proper scrubbin' floors, runnin' messages, but Miss Vincent, she mostly drives a car." While the sergeant was dilating upon the virtues and excellences of the young V. A. D., his men ran out her car, and packed into it the biscuit tins and coffee.

"You see that I thought if I could get anything to do at the theayter, I could work my way up, so I was glad to get scrubbin'. I asked the prompter, one morning, if he thought there was a chance for me to work up, and he said yes, I might scrub the galleries, and then I told him that I didn't want none of his lip, and I pretty soon left that place.

"I been scrubbin' 'em with sand soap for half an hour, and the oil and the iron dust won't come out." Uncle Jasper, who had a quiet voice and gentle manners, now stood rigid. "I wisht to God that some iron dust would work its way into your soul," he said. "What are you talking about?" "Nothin' you could understand; you need a mother to explain things to you."

"Hello, yerself," he managed to ejaculate thickly. "Who are yer? frien' o' mine?" "Why, don't yer remember me, ol' man? I'm the feller who wus scrubbin' the paint on the Adventurer. We wus talkin' tergether comin' up. I wus goin' fer ter enlist." "Hell! yes; glad ter see yer. Sum hot whisky et this camp tried eny?" "No," I answered, grasping at the opportunity to arouse his generosity.

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