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He wuz a-tellin' me how much money he spent while he wuz there, kinder boastin' on it; he had went to one of the biggest, highest taverns in the hull village of New York, where the price wuz higher than the very highest pinakle on the top of it, fur higher. And I sez, "Did you go to the Wimmen's Exchange and the Workin' Wimmen's Association, that wuz held there while you wuz there?"

"Now, what's the mattah with you, honey?" she asked. "I'm only a-tellin' Mistah Fostah about some silly old signs my mammy used to believe in. But they don't mean nothin' at all." Lloyd couldn't have told why she was unhappy. She had not understood all that Mom Beck had said, but her sensitive little mind was shadowed by a foreboding of trouble. The shadow deepened as the days passed.

'They're a-tellin' lies. 'Who? said I. 'L'Amour that's who. So soon as she made her complaint of me, the Gov'nor asked her, sharp enough, did anyone come last night, or a po'shay; and she was ready to swear there was no one. Are ye quite sure, Maud, you really did see aught, or 'appen 'twas all a dream?

"Dey aint NO tin in him, Massa Will, I keep a-tellin' on you," here interrupted Jupiter; "de bug is a goole-bug, solid, ebery bit of him, inside and all, sep him wing neber feel half so hebby a bug in my life." "Well, suppose it is, Jup," replied Legrand, somewhat more earnestly, it seemed to me, than the case demanded, "is that any reason for your letting the birds burn?

"Huh," returned the boy, "old Adam Ward, he ain't no fairy I'm a-tellin' yer." To which Maggie, hurt by this suggested break in the spell of her enchantment, returned indignantly, "Well, I guess the fairies can live in all them there pretty flowers an' things just the same, if old Adam does own 'em. You can't shut fairies out with no big iron fences." "That's so," admitted Bobby.

One ob de preachers was a-tellin' about ole mudder Ebe a-eatin' de apple, and says he: De sarpint fus' come along wid a red apple, an' says he: You gib dis yer to your husban', an' he think it so mighty good dat when he done eat it he gib you anything you ax him fur, ef you tell him whar de tree is. Ebe, she took one bite, an' den she frew dat apple away.

"Yes," continued Mary Louise, "some pleasant morning in June, perhaps, they will awaken very early and their mother and father will get busy catching the early worm for their breakfast. You see, nobody must ever try to do anything very important, like learning to fly, on an empty stomach." "That's what I been a-tellin' Polly; but go on, please."

"Be doin'?" rejoined a red-headed virago. "Wouldn't ye be doin' it yerself if ye had that big coal-dealer behind ye?" "Oh, we hear enough. Who says they're in it?" rejoined a third listener. "Pete Lathers says so the yard boss. He was a-tellin' me man yisterday." On consulting Justice Rowan the next morning, McGaw and his friends found but little comfort. The law was explicit, the justice said.

That ere thing just put me in mind of it," added he, pointing to a circular of the Dominion Safety Fund. "I remember Miss Verne a-tellin' me that it was the best consarn in the Dominion and I do believe now she's turned out a prophet too. Spriggins resumed "You know them ere Wiggleses that Melindy used to be jealous of?

"Folks don't have to stay indoors to remember, Lateza. I have remembered folks out-doors, it seems to me, more than I ever did in the house. "And the voice you loved would seem to be a-tellin' you, 'Keep well, beloved, so you can do some of my day's work I had to lay down, as well as your own, and the meetin' will be all the gladder and more joyous.