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The motto read "Revenez bientôt," and smiling at the omen, Count Victor once more took his valour in his fingers and turned the handle. "Revenez bientôt" he was whispering softly to himself as he noiselessly pushed in the door. The sentence froze on his lips when he saw the Duchess seated in a chair, and turned half round to look at him.

The Marquis stood there glowering, and never offered to dance with Victorine; she must have been cross! We had another farewell all round when the valse was over Godmamma would not stay for another, and even "Antoine" seemed sorry to say "Adieu." "Dépêchez-vous de vous marier," he said, "et ensuite revenez auprès de nous.

I replied that I had brought a letter from the British Embassy, and he may perhaps have thought that I was an Embassy messenger. At all events, he took the letter from me, saying curtly: "C'est bien, je m'en occuperai, revenez cet apres-midi." With those words he stepped back into the room and carefully placed the letter on the top of several others which were neatly disposed on a side-table.

"Vous m'excuserez, mais vous voyez.... Revenez vers dix heures, encore mieux demain." "Qu'elle sorte!" repeated the Frenchman impatiently. "C'est moi, n'est-ce pas?"

Again Monsieur Philomène cleared his voice, and suffered a pensive languor to cloud his manly brow. "Revenez, revenez, beaux jours de mon enfance," he began, in a small, tremulous, fluty voice. "They'll have a long road to travel back, parbleu!" muttered Müller. "De votre aspect riant charmer ma souvenance!" Here Mdlle.

"Voila une singuliere rencontre, monsieur," said Napoleon. "Deux majestes sans place; mais ce n'est peut-etre pas la peine de vous deranger. Avant huit jours je serai a Paris, et je me verrai force de vous renverser du trone, mon cousin. Revenez plutot avec moi, je vous nommerai sous-prefet de Monaco, si vous y tenez beaucoup."

Good night, monsieur, and I hope I hope" she laughed as she hung on the wish a moment "I hope you will meet his Grace on the way. If so, you may tell him 'tis rather inclement weather for the night air at his age," and she laughed again. "If you do not see him as is possible come back soon; look! my door bids you in your own language Revenez bientôt.

Il a joui pendant vingt-cinq ans de ce que j'ai moi-meme appele le bonheur parfait, l'amour dans le mariage. Il reste seul avec ses sept enfants. Revenez nous voir. Je n'ai pas le coeur a vous parler d'autre chose. Je n'ai pas encore recu 'l'Edinburgh Review' des mois d'octobre et janvier dernier. Je les fais demander. Je vis aussi en Angleterre.

Que la paix enfin nous rallie! Plus d'ingrats ni de mecontens, O triomphe de la patrie! Plus de Francais indifferens. bis. "Revenez phalanges guerrieres, Heros vengeurs de mon pays, Au sein d'une epouse, d'un pere, De vos parens, de vos amis, Revenez dans votre patrie Apres tant d'effrayans hazards, Trouver ce qui charme la vie, L'amitie, l'amour, et les arts. bis.

Tout le monde, carte blanche enbonpoint sauve que peut entre nous revenez nous a nous moutons!" The horrified sans-culottes shrink back in terror as the Gray Wolf seizes Maria by the hair and cuts her into twenty-nine pieces, each exactly the same size.